Topic: FW: Inherent C++ problem?

Author: Eugene Lazutkin <>
Date: 1996/01/19
Raw View
From:  Max Motovilov[]
Sent:  Friday, January 19, 1996 4:01 PM
To:  'Eugene Lazutkin'
Subject:  (for comp.std.c++)  Inherent C++ problem?

Looks like Subj to me, but maybe I misunderstand something or overlooking a
simple workaround...

Here is the example:

 struct Complex
  double re, im;

  Complex( double r, double i ) : re( r ), im( i ) {}
  Complex( const Complex& c ) : re( ), im( ) {}

 Complex operator + ( const Complex& a, const Complex& b )
  return Complex(, );

It is all right by now. Consider the following use then:

 Complex a( 1, 0 ), b( 0, 1 );
 Complex c( a+b );

In the last line 3 objects of type Complex are constructed instead of 1,

1) Temporary Complex object constructed in 'operator +'
2) Return value of 'operator +' copy-constructed from (1)
3) 'c', copy-constructed from (2)

This is inefficient to the last extreme, moreover it cannot even be
optimized out since any copy-constructor can theoretically have non-local
side effects....

To me, the step (2) can be eliminated by certain amendment to the semantics
of the language while (3) seems to be inherent. I wonder though if
something could be done about it within the bounds of the current

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Author: (Andrew Koenig)
Date: 1996/01/22
Raw View
In article <> Eugene Lazutkin <> writes:

>  Complex c( a+b );

> In the last line 3 objects of type Complex are constructed instead of 1,
> namely:

> 1) Temporary Complex object constructed in 'operator +'
> 2) Return value of 'operator +' copy-constructed from (1)
> 3) 'c', copy-constructed from (2)

> This is inefficient to the last extreme, moreover it cannot even be
> optimized out since any copy-constructor can theoretically have non-local
> side effects....

But it can be optimized -- essentially the implementation is permitted
to assume that the copy constructor does not have any important
side effects.  Moreover, lots of implementations perform this kind
of optimization.
    --Andrew Koenig
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Author: (Etay Bogner)
Date: 1996/01/22
Raw View
In article <>, Eugene Lazutkin
<> wrote:

>> ----------
>> From:   Max Motovilov[]
>> Sent:   Friday, January 19, 1996 4:01 PM
>> To:     'Eugene Lazutkin'
>> Subject:        (for comp.std.c++)  Inherent C++ problem?
>> It is all right by now. Consider the following use then:
>>         Complex a( 1, 0 ), b( 0, 1 );
>>         Complex c( a+b );
>> In the last line 3 objects of type Complex are constructed instead of 1,
>> namely:
>> 1) Temporary Complex object constructed in 'operator +'
>> 2) Return value of 'operator +' copy-constructed from (1)
>> 3) 'c', copy-constructed from (2)

For simplicity, let's write this as :

Complex callee() {
    return Complex(0,0);

void caller() {
    Complex a = callee(); // which is basically the same as a(callee())

There are two points of interest :
1) the "caller" function
2) the "callee" function

Let's see what the compilers knows at each point :

1) the compiler knows it's going to call a function the returns an object.
So it might make some space on the stack for the returned object and put a
pointer to this space somewhere in the argument list to the "callee()"

2) the compiler know that this function is going to return an object, so
it expects to find a pointer to place the newly created in. it indeed
creates a new object but it directly creates it in the "callee()" stack

So now the, your example is actually doing only one step :

operator+ create the newly created "a+b" object directly in c.

-- Etay Bogner,
-- Scitex Corp.
-- Israel.
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