Topic: Can Allocators be used outside of RAM?

Author: David Byrden <>
Date: 1996/01/22
Raw View
I wonder whether anyone can clarify one intent of the Standards
committee with respect to allocators?

I hope that it shall be possible, through provision of an Allocator
class, for containers to use generalised storage devices for their
data; for example, devices accessed through an API.

Reading the September '95 draft standard, however, I find mention only of
"main  memory,  shared  memory,  or  private heaps"  and the recent
requirements that allocator-supplied pointers and references be
convertible to T* and T&. These seem to suggest that allocators can only
support addressable memory.

I cannot deduce unambigously from the various specifications whether API
storage is or is not intended to be usable through Allocators. Does
anyone know?

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