Topic: Assignment of iostreams

Author: Gabriel Sanchez Gutierrez <>
Date: 1995/12/30
Raw View

In my code there were some lines trying to assign an ostream to
another ostream, using operator= (that seems to be defined by

I have upgraded my compiler (to GCC2.7.2) and now that is not possible.
Looking at the .h files, I have found a class called _IO_ostream_withassign
that defines such operator.

I am sure this class is not standard. In fact, I have not found references to
it in the standard text.

Any hint about how to perform such assignment using standard things?

Thanks and happy new year.

Gabriel Sanchez Gutierrez | Phone:        +34.1.327.28.28
DIS - Sema Group sae      | Fax:          +34.1.754.32.52
Albarracin, 25            | Email:
28037 Madrid - SPAIN      | WWW:
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Author: Per Bothner <>
Date: 1995/12/31
Raw View
In article <4c1af7$>,
>In my code there were some lines trying to assign an ostream to
>another ostream, using operator= (that seems to be defined by
>I have upgraded my compiler (to GCC2.7.2) and now that is not possible.
>Looking at the .h files, I have found a class called _IO_ostream_withassign
>that defines such operator.
>I am sure this class is not standard. In fact, I have not found references
>to it in the standard text.

It is "de facto" standard, in the sense that it is "traditional" and
provided by most/all implementations that strive for compatibility
with the original iostreams from AT&T C++ 2.x.  I resisted implementing
it for GNU C++, but finally gave in.

The Draft Standard provides a standard way to achieve the effect you want.
This is not implemented in GNU iostreams - nor many other implementations.

So you can be either standards-conforming or (mostly) portable,
but not both.  But before you try either, read this section from
the GNU C++ FAQ (maintained by Joe Buck):

Why can't I assign one stream to another?

   [ Thanks to Per Bothner and Jerry Schwarz for this section. ]

   Assigning one stream to another seems like a reasonable thing to do,
but it's a bad idea.  Usually, this comes up because people want to
assign to `cout'.  This is poor style, especially for libraries, and is
contrary to good object-oriented design.  (Libraries that write directly
to `cout' are less flexible, modular, and object-oriented).

   The iostream classes do not allow assigning to arbitrary streams,
because this can violate typing:

     ifstream foo ("foo");
     istrstream str(...);
     foo = str;
     foo->close ();  /* Oops! Not defined for istrstream! */

   The original cfront implementation of iostreams by Jerry Schwarz
allows you to assign to `cin', `cout', `cerr', and `clog', but this is
not part of the draft standard for iostreams and generally isn't
considered a good idea, so standard-conforming code shouldn't use this

   The GNU implementation of iostream did not support assigning to
`cin', `cout', `cerr', and `clog' for quite a while, but it now does,
for backward compatibility with cfront iostream (versions 2.6.1 and
later of libg++).

   The ANSI/ISO C++ Working Paper does provide ways of changing the
streambuf associated with a stream.  Assignment isn't allowed; there is
an explicit named member that must be used.

   However, it is not wise to do this, and the results are confusing.
For example: `fstream::rdbuf' is supposed to return the *original*
filebuf, not the one you assigned. (This is not yet implemented in GNU
iostream.)  This must be so because `fstream::rdbuf' is defined to
return a `filebuf *'.

 --Per Bothner
Cygnus Support
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