Topic: have template typedefs been considered?

Author: (Alexandre Oliva)
Date: 1995/12/08
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Have things such as:

template <class T1, class T2> foo;

class bar;

template <class T> typedef foo<T, bar> foobar;

foobar<int> myfoobar; // this should mean foo<int, bar> myfoobar;

... ever been considered in the C++ standardization process?

Sometimes it would be very convenient to define template aliases, to
avoid having to explicitly select commonly used parameters for a
template every time they are used inside a program.

The workaround I use is:

template <class T> class foobar : public foo<T, bar> {};

but the compiler warns me if foo<T, bar> has non-default constructors,
and, besides that, foobar and foo<T, bar> are not the SAME type this
Alexandre Oliva
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, S~ao Paulo, Brasil

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