Topic: Inconsistent use of default arguments in string class?

Author: (Harald Winroth)
Date: 1995/11/01
Raw View
I have a question regarding the proposed string class. In the April WP
there are string member functions taking both string and char* arguments.
For example, there are

        class basic_string : ... {
                basic_string& append(const basic_string& str, size_t pos=0,
                                     size_t n=NPOS);
                basic_string& append(const charT* s, size_t n);

As I understand the WP,

        str.append("abc123", 3)

would append "abc" to str, while

        str.append((string)"abc123", 3)

would append "123" to str. Is that interpretation correct? If so, I think
this could cause a lot of bugs in application code. Is there a good reason
why string member function taking  charT* arguments won't also take the
same position/size arguments as their basic_string-argument counterparts?

Harald Winroth     | Computational Vision and Active Perception Laboratory, | Royal Institute of Technology, S-10044 Stockholm, Sweden
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