Topic: Determining between classes and built-in t
Author: (Scott Howlett)
Date: 1995/10/18 Raw View
In article <...>, (Alex Martelli) wrote:
> template <class T> inline bool can_memmove(const T&) { return false; }
> inline bool can_memmove(const int&) { return true; } // etc
Perhaps this would be better as something like the following:
template<class T> class type_traits {
enum { can_memmove = true };
class type_traits<foo> {
enum { can_memmove = false };
That way you get the answer to can_memmove at compile time. Not only
does this save you code (both time and space) but it allows you to
do things which require compile-time constants, such as using
type_traits<T>::can_memmove as a parameter to some other template.
Scott Howlett
Storm Software, Inc.
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Author: (Alex Martelli)
Date: 1995/10/22 Raw View (Scott Howlett) writes:
>> template <class T> inline bool can_memmove(const T&) { return false; }
>> inline bool can_memmove(const int&) { return true; } // etc
>Perhaps this would be better as something like the following:
>template<class T> class type_traits {
> enum { can_memmove = true };
>class type_traits<foo> {
> enum { can_memmove = false };
>That way you get the answer to can_memmove at compile time. Not only
>does this save you code (both time and space) but it allows you to
I would be surprised to find myself using a compiler unable to
optimize away an inline function call returning a manifest constant...
it is however true that the idiom you propose seems to have no
offseting defect.
>do things which require compile-time constants, such as using
>type_traits<T>::can_memmove as a parameter to some other template.
Conceded, and this makes the idiom you suggest appear to be quite
preferable, thanks.
DISCLAIMER: these are TOTALLY personal opinions and viewpoints, NOT connected
in any way with my employer, nor any other organization or individual!
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Author: horstman@jupiter.SJSU.EDU (Cay S. Horstmann)
Date: 1995/10/14 Raw View (Steve Clamage) wrote:
>In article 100000@gusak, "Brett W. Denner" <>
>>Is there a way to identify whether a data type in a template function is a
>>class or a built-in type? For example,
>>template <class T> void
>>func(T var)
>> if ( /* test whether T is a built-in type */ )
>> /* do something based on T being a built-in type */;
>> else
>> /* do something else based on T being a user-define type */;A
>>Will rtti allow me to test for this? Is there another way of determing this?
>What is the actual problem you are trying to solve? Is it really the case
>that if T is a double or a char* or a FILE* you will do operation A, but if
>it is a complex or a string or an fstream you will do operation B?
I did have this problem when trying to write a decent array template.
For numeric and pointer types, I'd like to use memmove when the array
grows and is relocated. For class types that cannot be done in
general. I did "solve" the problem by having two templates, but now
the risk is that someone who doesn't understand the distinction uses
the "BuiltinTypeArray" (not its real name) with a class type, which
might have bizarre results. So I think Brett's desire is not totally
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Author: (David Vandevoorde)
Date: 1995/10/17 Raw View
>>>>> "AM" == Alex Martelli <> writes:
>> Such a rule is in the DWP (let me know if your compiler supports it,
>> mine doesn't :-). BTW, this is called partial specialization...
AM> Ah -- wonderful! I had missed this novelty... chapter and verse of
AM> the DWP please...? No, g++ 2.7.0, the compiler I use, does not
AM> support it yet (I did try as soon as I read this...:-).
DWP (14.6 [temp.class.spec]), many verses apply; verse 2 shows an
example of what you (and I :) want.
Until recently I was under the impression that partial specialization
is not as general as one may imagine; in particular, I thought:
template<typename T> struct S { ... };
template<typename T> struct X { ... };
template<typename T> struct S<X<T> > { ... }; // Error
was illegal according to the DWP. However, someone very knowledgeable
in this area told me it _is_ legal C++ now. Just FYI.
BTW, I was sort of joking when asking if your compiler supports it:
I'm pretty sure no compiler I could have access to allows partial
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