Topic: Q: is A a = 100; equivalent to A a (100);

Author: clamage@Eng.Sun.COM (Steve Clamage)
Date: 1995/10/13
Raw View
In article, (Jean-Louis Moser) writes:
>| According to the standard, are the two lines of the main
>| equivalent ? My Opinion is yes, but one of my compilers would
>| like to access copy contructor to be happy with the
>| second line as if it would like to build a2 from a temporary A
>| which would be build from the int value 99. If we make copy
>| constructor public, this one isn't called, but the compiler
>| is happy. Thank you for answers.

That compiler is correct. If the copy constructor is not accessible,
the line
 A a2 = 99;
is invalid. Access to the copy constructor is required, even if the
compiler chooses to optimize away the actual call.

>#include <iostream.h>
>class A {
>    A (int i) {cout << "A" << endl;}
>    A (const A&) {cout << "COPY" << endl;}
>void main ()
>    A a1 (100);
>    A a2 = 99;

Steve Clamage,

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