Topic: STL is Standard C++ Library? I don't think so.

Author: clamage@Eng.Sun.COM (Steve Clamage)
Date: 1995/09/12
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"Anthony S. H. Lee" <> writes:

>I recently read an article in Dr. Dobb's Journal
>which is about STL. The author said that STL will
>be the standard C++ libraries.
>Did you guys really think so?

STL is in the Draft Standard. No one** on the C++ committee wants to
remove STL, and so far no ISO national body has asked for
STL to be removed, so it is virtually certain it will remain.

>The editor of "The C/C++ Users Journal", P.J. P,
>wrote a book, "The draft Standard C++ Library".
>In it, they are absolutely different! aren't they?

The book is based on the C++ Committee draft as of March 1994. The
draft has changed since then, particularly the library portion.

(** as far as I know)
Steve Clamage,
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Author: (Dietmar Kuehl)
Date: 1995/09/12
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"Anthony S. H. Lee" ( wrote:
: I recently read an article in Dr. Dobb's Journal
: which is about STL. The author said that STL will
: be the standard C++ libraries.
: Did you guys really think so?

A large portion of the STL is PART of the C++ standard library (mainly
in the clauses 23 (Containers), 24 (Iterators), and 25 (Algorithms) but
some parts of STL are also found in other clauses).

: The editor of "The C/C++ Users Journal", P.J. P,
: wrote a book, "The draft Standard C++ Library".
: In it, they are absolutely different! aren't they?

A large portion of the C++ Draft Standard Library is not mentioned in
the book by Plauger (e.g. the STL). In addition it seems that the STL
has influenced the rest of the library a lot: thing which were not a
template before became templates (e.g. all the iostream classes are
templates according to the DWP). In this sense: The book "The draft
Standard C++ Library" is absolutely different from the library described
in the DWP. But the description in the book is much more verbose than
the DWP; at least for those entities which are found in Plauger's

I am a realistic optimist - that's why I appear to be slightly pessimistic
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Author: John Max Skaller <>
Date: 1995/09/12
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clamage@Eng.Sun.COM (Steve Clamage) wrote:
>STL is in the Draft Standard. No one** on the C++ committee wants to
>remove STL, and so far no ISO national body has asked for
>STL to be removed, so it is virtually certain it will remain.
>(** as far as I know)

  On the other hand several National Bodies are almost
certain to reject the Standard if STL is _removed_.

John Max Skaller               voice: 61-2-566-2189
81 Glebe Point Rd              fax:   61-2-660-0850
GLEBE NSW 2037                 email:
AUSTRALIA                      email:

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