Topic: point of defn and default and default arguments

Author: (James Kanze US/ESC 60/3/141 #40763)
Date: 1995/08/09
Raw View
In article <> (Tony
Cook) writes:

|> Is the following legal:

It's legal.

|> class T
|> {
|>   public:
|>     T() {}
|>     //
|>     T(int,
|>       T const &def_ = T() // note this - use before end of class
|>     ) { }
|> };

|> int main()
|> {
|>     T t(0);

|>     return 0;
|> }

|> Why it might be legal:
|>     default arguments are evaluated at the point of use.

|> [dcl.fct.default]
|> 9 Default  arguments  are  evaluated  at each point of call before entry
|>   into a function.


|> Why it might not be legal:
|>     names for default arguments are bound at point of declaration,
|> and T is not fully defined where the default argument is declared.

|> [dcl.fct.default]
|> 5 Default argument expressions have their names bound  and  their  types
|>   checked at the point of declaration.

|> [class] p2
|>                                                                        A
|>   class is considered defined after the  closing  brace  of  its  class-
|>   specifier  has  been seen even though its member functions are in gen-
|>   eral not yet defined.

Binding a name does not require a complete type.  In fact,
technically, it doesn't require any semantic information concerning
the name.  (In practice, there is no way for you to make a name known
to the compiler without providing some semantic information.)
James Kanze         Tel.: (+33) 88 14 49 00        email:
GABI Software, Sarl., 8 rue des Francs-Bourgeois, F-67000 Strasbourg, France
Conseils en informatique industrielle --
                              -- Beratung in industrieller Datenverarbeitung

Author: (Tony Cook)
Date: 1995/08/07
Raw View
Is the following legal:

class T
    T() {}
      T const &def_ = T() // note this - use before end of class
    ) { }

int main()
    T t(0);

    return 0;

Why it might be legal:
    default arguments are evaluated at the point of use.

9 Default  arguments  are  evaluated  at each point of call before entry
  into a function.

Why it might not be legal:
    names for default arguments are bound at point of declaration,
and T is not fully defined where the default argument is declared.

5 Default argument expressions have their names bound  and  their  types
  checked at the point of declaration.

[class] p2
  class is considered defined after the  closing  brace  of  its  class-
  specifier  has  been seen even though its member functions are in gen-
  eral not yet defined.
        Tony Cook -