Topic: STL Course Update in Silicon Valley (Outline included)
Author: (Marian Corcoran)
Date: 1995/08/09 Raw View
I post this here more for those who may be interested in starting an
STL course themselves.
Please forward this to others or post on electronic bulletin boards:
This course is developing so rapidly that I wanted to share with you
what is happening. It is exciting that the work of the students is so
creative that some of their programming is publishable. The Standard
Template Library (STL) is a data structures class library that was
adopted into the C++ Language in July, 1994. The main topics of the
course (described more fully below) include a gentle introduction to
the STL with important guidelines, applications programs, design and
performance requirements for the STL, internals, _critical_
professional C++ programming techniques, and extending the STL. We also
go over recent journal articles from C++ Report, C/C++ Users Journal
and ANSI C++ draft to get the latest material. The code for the course
is available on line. In addition, students in the course get to buy
ObjectSpace's STL with an excellent tutorial at a greatly reduced
student rate.
University of California Course EDP 952S83
at Santa Cruz Extension 1-800-660-UNEX
1180 Bordeaux Drive 10 Thursdays,
(237 & Mathilda) Sept 21 to Nov 30
Sunnyvale, CA
Instructor: Marian Corcoran. M.S.C.S. of Corcoran Consulting
Former graduate school instructor at Polytechnic Institute of
Brooklyn, where she won an award for teaching and curriculum
Industrial research in OOPs published at international levels and
presented at Bell Labs.
Advanced C++ SIG Chair of the Software Entrepreneur s Forum
Member, X3J16 ANSI C++ Committee
Course Details
A Gentle Introduction to STL Programming
Containers (vectors, lists, deques)
Associative containers (sets, multisets, maps, multimaps)
Adaptors (stacks, queues, priority queues)
Iterators, key to STL
(random access, bidirectional, forward, input, output)
Algorithms (sorts and searches, etc.)
Using user defined types and derived classes with STL
Caveats with using pointers and STL containers
STL Applications Programming
A Utility Program
Memory Management Application
SCAN Disk Scheduling with Priority Queues
DataBase Application
STL Foundations, Design and Internals
Performance requirements and design of the STL
Study of the underlying data structures and algorithms by
examining the source code of some of the STL (note: this is
cleanest and most elegant C++ code I've seen)
Analysis of complexity of algorithms
_Critical_ advanced C++ programming techniques that every
programmer must know
Template issues including latest ANSI rules and avoiding
code replication
Storing objects cleanly
Memory management techniques
Extending the STL
A look at extending the STL to include hash tables
implications toward complexity requirements of STL