Topic: ANSI C Mission Statement

Author: (Jim Fleming)
Date: 1995/08/02
Raw View
In article <3visn0$>, says...
>> From: (Jim Fleming)
>> Has anyone written a mission statement for ANSI C to cover the next 5
>> years...???
>> Before everyone starts tossing in "// comments", new types like "bool",
>> classes, and extensive integer declaration proposals, maybe there ought
>> to be some sort of mission statement or a set of goals.
>> There are many directions that C can are a few...while it
>> might be difficult to capture all of the goals in a mission statement,
>> it might be good to get a consensus about the general plan for the
>> future...
>Yes, they have.  In about a week (I'll post it) you can take a look
>on the WG14 and X3J11 FTP site:
>for the document ``Project Proposal: Revision of C Language Standard
>ISO/IEC 9899:1990''.  I've summarized the main points of the revision
>charter below.  BTW, this document has been widely distributed and
>summarized in the trade journals.
>This charter wasn't just ``published'', but was developed, reviewed,
>and refined over the past 2 years.  I seem to remember the 1993-12
>meeting where everyone came up with a laundry list of everything they
>might want.  That list was straw-voted (unofficial vote -- just to get
>the sense of the committee) on about 50-ish items.  Here was the results
>In Favor   Against    Concept
>18         0          Longer external names
>18         0          Defect reports
>17         2          C++ compatibility
>15         1          Remove default int
>14         0          Mandate float/lang double functions
>14         1          Compound literals/designated int
>14         1          Extended int range
>14         2          Boole data types
>14         3          // comments
>14         3          Remove obsolete features
>13         2          Strong enums
>12         0          International identifiers
>12         2          Type-safe linking
>12         3          ALO's (Array-Like Objects)
>12         3          In-line
>12         5          Arbitrary declarations (decl's anywhere)
>10         1          Library clean up
>10         5          Overloading
>10         6          Complex
>9          1          Char set improvements
>9          2          IEEE FP (floating point)
>9          3          Distributed (discontiguous) objects
>9          3          Range types
>9          4          Classes in C
>9          4          Enum - extra commas
>9          4          Restrict
>9          5          True modules (packages)
>9          6          References
>8          3          VLA (Variable length arrays)
>8          1          Better stdio (Chris Torek)
>7          3          Bit length
>7          4          Constructors/destrutors
>6          3          Data parallel (DPCE)
>6          6          X3H5 directives - control parallelism
>6          7          Statement functions
>5          3          Parallel I/O
>5          3          Zero size object
>5          4          LIA/CLID (WG11)
>5          9          New operators
>4          0          POSIX locale definition
>4          1          Iterators
>4          6          Remove float/lang double functions
>4          6          Sets
>3          3          ISO 10646
>3          3          Namespaces
>3          6          Debugging support
>3          8          Exception handling
>3          11         Nested functions
>2          4          Auto mangement of dynamic structures - alloca
>2          6          Fixed point arithmetic
>1          6          Label as a data type
>1          9          Logarithmic data types
>1          11         Dynamic casts
>1          15         Templates
>0          9          Garbage collection
>0          17         Multiple inheritances
>I think this information has been published already (several times)
>in trade journals.  BTW, this list isn't what we are *required* to
>include, only a sense of what people are interested in.  Of course,
>adding any feature requires a lot of work, so you need to have at
>least one focal point, i.e., a person that is interested and has
>the long-term commitment (several years), for each topic.
>You'll find the much of the work falls into the following categories:
>        - X3J11.1 NCEG (Numeric C Extensions Group) that spent 5 years
>        (1989-1994) developing numeric (and related) features.  They
>        issued this as a Technical Report recently.  A TR doesn't carry
>        the weight of a Standard, but it is a recommendation for certain
>        practices (in this case, numeric practices in C).  The reason
>        NCEG was started was that there were features we wanted to add
>        into C89, but couldn't get them into ANSI C because we were
>        running out of time OR the feature was still being developed
>        within the industry.  Of the list above, the following were
>        part of the NCEG work (X3J11 members: pardon me if I got
>        one or two wrong here):
>                ALO's (Array-Like Objects)
>                Bit length
>                Boole data types
>                Complex
>                Compound literals/designated int
>                Data parallel (DPCE)
>                Distributed (discontiguous) objects
>                Extended int range
>                Fixed point arithmetic
>                IEEE FP (floating point)
>                Iterators
>                LIA/CLID (WG11)
>                Library clean up
>                Mandate float/lang double functions
>                Overloading
>                Parallel I/O
>                Remove float/lang double functions
>                Restrict
>                VLA (Variable length arrays)
>                X3H5 directives - control parallelism
>        About 12 of these made it into the technical report
>        in some form or another.
>        - Language independent features (e.g., arithmetic,
>        data types, internationlization, etc.) that we are
>        required to investigate at the ISO level (SC22
>        requires this).
>        - C++ compatibility features.  This ranges from the
>        simple (e.g., choosing a common syntax for a Boolean
>        data type) to the complex (e.g., classes).  C9X does
>        not plan on incorporating C++.  The line between
>        C and C++ is ``as close as possible, but no closer''.
>        C9X may choose to incorporate the ``well-defined,
>        efficient subset'' of C++.  SC22 (and ANSI, I think)
>        requires C and C++ not to diverge on common issues.
>        For example, features with the same functionality,
>        conceptual model, and semantics, should have the
>        same syntax.  However, features with different conceptual
>        models (and, certainly, semantics) would likely have
>        different syntax just to avoid ambiguous syntax.
>        A good example of this is designated initializers and
>        compound literals (see the FTP site for the proposal),
>        a concept borrowed from Fortran and BLISS, versus
>        C++ constructors.
>Again, much of this has already been published in trade
>publications (DDJ, C/C++ Users Journal, etc.).
>> Sample Partial Mission Directions
>> 1. C grows up to be like C++
>> ...
>> 2. C settles down as a great high-level assembly language
>> ...
>> 3. C becomes ideal companion language for other high-level languages
>> ...
>> 4. C requires very little change and just needs a few tweaks
>> ...
>The committee uses the following old (the first 6 are from ANSI C)
>and new guiding principles.
>        1.  Existing code is important, existing implementations
>        are not.
>        2.  C code can be portable.
>        3.  C code can be non-portable.
>        4.  Avoid ``quiet changes''.
>        5.  A standard is a treaty between implementor and programmer.
>        6.  Keep the spirit of C.
>        7.  Support international programming.
>        8.  Codify existing practice to address evident deficiencies.
>        9.  Minimize incompatibilities with C90.
>        10.  Minimize incompatibilities with C++.
>        11.  Maintain conceptual simplicity.
>The following are highlights from the recommended scope of the
>proposed standard:
>        Areas to which we intend to look when revising C include
>        (in *no* particular order):
>        1.  Incorporate Amendment 1.
>        2.  All tehnical corrigenda and records of response.
>        3.  Future directions in curent standard.
>        4.  Features current labeled obsolescent.
>        5.  Cross-language standards groups work.
>        6.  The evolution of C++.
>        7.  The evolution of other languages particularly with
>        regard to interlanguage communication issues.
>        8.  Other papers and proposals from member delegations,
>        such as the numerical extensions Technical Report being
>        proposed by X3J11.
>        9.  Other comments from the public at large.
>        10.  Other prior art.
>> The four missions or approaches thumb-nailed above are not necessarily
>> mutually exclusive. Maybe a poll needs to be taken to determine where
>> people feel the ANSI C committee should "steer" the language. As a
>> of this poll, maybe a single mission statement can be developed to
>> allow people working on the ANSI committee to have some sense for what
>> the general population thinks.
>C has several groups that ``steer'' it: ISO JTC1 (ISO joint technical
>committee - information technology), ISO JTC1/SC22 (programming
>languages, their environments, and system software interfaces),
>ANSI X3 (information technology), and the parent bodies of from other
>countries (I don't know their organizations names), it addition to
>comments from the public.
>While we have many liaisons that inform us of other activies
>(including people that monitor Usenet), it is not up to ANSI to
>poll people -- in fact it is the other way around.  If you care about
>what is going on, you should contribute technically to ANSI or
>other national bodies via comments, papers, proposals, and/or
>meeting attendance.  For example, several papers were submitted
>by Richard Stallman, yet he didn't attend meetings nor was he
>a member.  In fact, almost all the submissions of C9X revision
>proposals (see FTP site for more into) that come from the public
>at large are from people that aren't able to attend or become
>a member, but are able to write a proposal -- the proposal for
>the "__FUNC__" feature is from the public.  My guess is that it
>has a good chance of being included because: (1) it was within
>the guidelines above, (2) it was submitted according to the
>C9X submission guidelines (see FTP site), (3) it included a
>coherent paper describing the feature, (4) the author followed
>up on the proposal, i.e., he revised the proposal based upon
>comments received from the committee and others.
>Your simple solution here is to read the information on the
>FTP site concerning submission guidelines, the revision charter,
>and the existing work in the area you have interest.  After that,
>you can compose your comments and/or proposal and submit them
>according to the submission guidelines.  After that you should
>be prepared to respond to comments/criticism and revise your
>> Before everything but the kitchen sink is dropped into ANSI C, maybe
>> we should discuss where C fits in the coming years...
>It's an ongoing discussion.  You are welcome to participate via
>comments, papers, and/or attendance.
>(``I only use AOL for reading netnews.'')
>Frank Farance, Farance Inc.
>E-mail:, Telephone: +1 212 486 4700
>ISO JTC1/SC22/WG14 & ANSI X3J11 (C Programming Language) Project Editor

Thanks for the great summary. I apologize for not having as broad a
base of knowledge in this area as yourself. I have been busy developing
C+@ for the past 10 years.

My primary interest is in the area of companion languages for C and
the interworking of C with other languages such as Java and C+@. I am
willing to help in any way that I can but have to warn you that I bring
a strong bias toward having C be "just C" and having C+@ be a cool cat.
They work very well together and the large mature reusable class library
coupled with the extensive libraries written in "straight C" are a
testimony to the fact that this works.

I may not be able to attend all of your meetings but I am willing to
help review documents, write documents, etc. I still write code, after
over 20 years and I enjoy new languages, approaches, etc. especially
when they can be discussed in an open forum with biases known in advance.

Besides C and C+@, I am interested in issues such as architecture neutral
execution environments and virtual "C machines". I do not know whether
the standards committee has ever considered defining a reference virtual
C machine to be added to the standard but that sort of thing may be an
interesting project.

Also, with the announcement of Plan 9 by AT&T Bell Labs (
there may be a rebirth of interest in C. Plan 9 does not use C++ and
focuses on some of the more big picture issues that UNIX (and C) missed.
The ANSI committee(s) may find the Plan 9 information to be useful...

Again, I appreciate the info and I look forward to your meetings. BTW,
when and where are the meetings...???

Jim Fleming            /|\      Unir Corporation       Unir Technology, Inc.  /  | \     One Naperville Plaza   184 Shuman Blvd. #100
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