Topic: Type Equivalence (Clause 9.1)
Author: (Francis Wai)
Date: 1995/07/24 Raw View (Derick J.R. Qua-Gonzalez) writes:
>While reading the Working Paper, clause 9.1, I was wondering what the
>rationale was behind the following.
>Why does the WP stipulate that:
> struct S { int a; }
> struct S { int a; } // error -- multiply defined `S'
>is an error?
>Why the fuss? I can see the _name equivalence_
>checking is much faster; is this the reason?
Section 2.5 of The Design and Evolution of C++ gives the answer.
Author: (Derick J.R. Qua-Gonzalez)
Date: 1995/07/21 Raw View
While reading the Working Paper, clause 9.1, I was wondering what the
rationale was behind the following.
Why does the WP stipulate that:
struct S { int a; }
struct S { int a; } // error -- multiply defined `S'
is an error? It does not seem to be a very difficult matter to create
a tag in the symbol table, akin to a mangled function name, that allows
the compiler to check for type equivalence at compile time. Since the
above decls are compatible, why is it deemed an error?
struct S1 { int a; }
struct S2 { int z; }
S1 anS1 = 3;
S2 anS2;
anS2 = anS2; // error---assigning an S2 into an S1
is considered an error. I can see that they _are_ different type _names_,
but they are structurally equivalent; in fact, the space of the two types
S1 and S2 are identical. Why the fuss? I can see the _name equivalence_
checking is much faster; is this the reason? It is feasible that the com-
piler be able to create a type-compatibility graph (i.e., partition the
set of types into equivalence classes).
Best regards,
| Derick R. Qua-Gonzalez | ________ |
| Department of High Energy Physics, California State University | \ / |
| dqua@Prometheus.EarthLink.Net | \ / |
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