Topic: static_cast & dynamic_cast (was: downcastin

Author: (Marc Shepherd)
Date: 1995/06/29
Raw View
In article, (Jim Heliotis) writes:
>I have read some material describing how static_cast and dynamic cast work.
>However, my understanding of the motivation behind them is not deep enough, and
>I think this is preventing me from really understanding what they are all about,
>how they would work, and when I should use them.
>Can anyone direct me to some literature that would help me? Please don't suggest
>the Draft Standard or the ARM. That's where my information has come from so far.

The other source you should consider is Bjarne Stroustrup's "The Design &
Evolution of C++".  After reading that, you should have a pretty good idea
of the motivation.

Marc Shepherd
Salomon Brothers Inc The opinions I express are no one's but mine!