Topic: derived enums
Author: clamage@Eng.Sun.COM (Steve Clamage)
Date: 1995/06/28 Raw View
In article, Loic (tregan_l) writes:
> I would like to derive an enum ;
You don't really need to, since you can extend an enum:
enum spiciness { extramild=100, medium=1000, extrahot=3000 };
Type "spiciness" can take on any value from 0 through 4095, so we
can later add, for example,
const spiciness mild = (spicyness) 500;
const spiciness hot = (spicyness)2000;
const spiciness WOW = (spicyness)4000;
and so on. Even as class members these can be made static const, and
used in the same way as enumerators.
Steve Clamage,