Topic: New design editor for source code available for evaluation

Author: "Schemacode International inc." <>
Date: 1995/06/28
Raw View
Shemacode International inc. is releasing version 2.1.5 of the popular
SCHEMACODE editor and is making the program available for evaluation.

In this version of Schemacode, you will find the tool software
engineers need to :

- Convert their knowledge of the application domain into program comments;
- Draw control flow structures and translate them into programming language
- Organize top-down and bottom-up design approaches into an integrated scheme;
- Record the design and code inspection comments.

Free demo and documentation at our FTP site:
 ftp> open

 look in /pub/schema/windows/ for Schemacode Windows version
  /pub/schema/sunos/      for Schemacode SunOs version
  /pub/schema/linux/      for Schemacode Linux version

See our WWW page: 

Supported languages:

C, C++, C Shell, Bourne Shell, Pascal, Fortran, Cobol, DBase, Clipper, Foxpro,
Awk, and more to come...

Supported operating system :

SunOS 4.1.0+
HP-UX 9.00 +
Windows 3.1+

| Benoit Lefebvre             |      |
| Schemacode International Inc. | tel: (514) 683-8693    |
| Montreal, Canada              | fax: (514) 683-6792      |
|                            | e-mail: |