Topic: Moderate this group?

Author: (Joe Halpin)
Date: 1995/06/05
Raw View
Are there any plans to moderate this group? I'm personally intersted
in trying to understand the standardization process and C++, but I
think that the off-topic articles in general, and Jim Flemming's
articles in particular are very annoying. I know I can just hit 'n'
and go to the next article, but I think there's more to it than that.

This is just my opinion, but I suspect that there are a number of
potential contributors around, who don't contribute because they don't
want to get into the middle of an argument with mindless idiots, such
as people who complain about the lack of recognition for languages
they hide under the bed. Or maybe they don't consider a forum with a
high percentage of questions about MS DOS Interrupt handlers, the
Borland BGI format, or MS Windows list boxes to be a viable place to
discuss the C++ standard.

I think it's a Good Thing that newsgroups like this exist, but that
it's too bad if they are ruined by ignorant newbies and the mentally
ill. Freedom of speech is guaranteed under the Constitution, of
course, but the Constitution does not obligate anyone to pay for
someone else's ignorance or rantings. Personally I think Jim Flemming
has used up too much of other people's money in his pathetic cries for
attention. I think it's time he spent some of his own money on a
therapist. He could always sell his C+@tamaran and buy a good shrink.
Maybe then we'd all be happy.

I admit that I'm asking about the willingness of someone else to put
in the time and effort necessary to run a moderated newsgroup. If I
were qualified I would be willing to give it a shot, unfortunatly I'm
not qualified. I'm just asking if it's in the picture at all.

Joe Halpin

Author: (loic tregan)
Date: 1995/06/06
Raw View
|> The vote will last for three weeks.  So, if the proposal passes (this
|> requires a 2/3 majority and a minimum 100-vote margin), comp.std.c++
|> will change to a moderated newsgroup some time in late July.
|> --

  a large part of the questions in this news group should be asked in comp.lang.c++;
do you want std to be more closer to lang ?  I don't understand what does it mean
to moderate it : if standart discussions are diffuclt to understand, thanksfully
there is a special newsgroup for them.

 Why a vote ? this newsgroup is made by the users themselves, by their questions.

 Thank you to open my mind !
-- thanks you to read him.
                ( yes, he told mee that the other day )
warnings : no C, no C++, no 386, no UNIX, no DOS, no Delphi, no Paradox
PLEASE   : send me your answer by mail ( no time to read newsgroups !)

Author: matt@godzilla.EECS.Berkeley.EDU
Date: 1995/06/06
Raw View
In article <> (Joe Halpin) writes:

> Are there any plans to moderate this group?

Yes.  We're currently in the "discussion" stage of the formal proposal
to change the status of this group from moderated to unmoderated.  You
can look through the news.groups.announce archives for a copy of the
official RFD (request for discussion).

There doesn't actually seem to be terribly much discussion going
on, though...  I guess everyone either thinks that the moderation
proposal I submitted is so good that there's no room for improvement,
or else that moderation is such a bad idea that there's no point in
trying to talk about the details.

Anyway, this should go to a vote shortly.  There are sometimes delays
in Usenet votes, but if everything goes on schedule the vote should
begin in a week or two.  The vote will be announced here, on
comp.lang.c++, on news.groups, and in a few other places; the ballot
will contain full details about the moderation proposal.

The vote will last for three weeks.  So, if the proposal passes (this
requires a 2/3 majority and a minimum 100-vote margin), comp.std.c++
will change to a moderated newsgroup some time in late July.
Matt Austern