Topic: the down side of success (C+@ Tails)

Author: timd@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM (Orpheus)
Date: 1995/06/06
Raw View
In article <>,
Bjarne Stroustrup <9758-26353> 0112760 <9758-26353> wrote:
>Jim Fleming:
> > [...] attacked by a gang of C++ thugs...???

I'm not usre that "lies" is the appropriate categorization.  I think
Fleming believes this stuff...

>Who is Jim Fleming and why is he saying such nasty things about me?

Well, you know...C++ has been a great success.  A side affect has
been a degree of celebrityhood for you (Mr. Stroustrup).  If we look
back at relatively recent events, we can see lots of examples of the
risks of being attract loonies and jackals...protect

>[...] Any rational aims [...]

Ha!  You are too polite...

      "Groove is in the heart..."