Topic: Printing to MS-Windows Drivers

Author: Robin Manicom <>
Date: 1995/05/31
Raw View
1) How do you build a page for a print driver?
Has anyone had experience of building a page (or pages) of text
and image data using MS-Visual C++ so that the built data
can be sent to the DEFAULT print driver?

2) How do you send directly to the default print driver?
I am trying to do this and do not want the Print Dialog Box
to appear.  I just want to build a page of image and text data
then send directly to the default print sriver for printing.
I want the application to wait for the driver to return so
that a result can be obtained from the print.

Any help to a novice would be appreciated.

Robin Manicom.

Author: (Michael Lechner)
Date: 1995/06/01
Raw View
Robin Manicom ( wrote:
: 1) How do you build a page for a print driver?
: Has anyone had experience of building a page (or pages) of text
: and image data using MS-Visual C++ so that the built data
: can be sent to the DEFAULT print driver?

That's a windows-question not C++ ;-)

Create a devicecontext for the printer.
StartDoc,StartPage (See Helpfile)
Use GDI-Calls to write

That's it (Be sure to use the correct mapping-mode )

: 2) How do you send directly to the default print driver?
: I am trying to do this and do not want the Print Dialog Box
: to appear.  I just want to build a page of image and text data
: then send directly to the default print sriver for printing.
: I want the application to wait for the driver to return so
: that a result can be obtained from the print.

Use PrintDialogBox and specify that you won't see the Dialog ;-)
(See Helpfile for Printdialog )

     | Michael Lechner               | Wiechers & Partner Datentechnik GmbH |
     |                               | Forschung & Entwicklung (R&D)        |
     |                               | An der alten Ziegelei 2              |
     | eMail:      | D-40771 Monheim (Germany)            |