Topic: ANSI C++ no 'class iostream' ?

Author: clamage@Eng.Sun.COM (Steve Clamage)
Date: 1995/05/19
Raw View
In article, (Paul Houghton x2309) writes:
>I have been reading through the 'draft' standard document and have
>NOT found any reference to the 'iostream class'. I'm VERY confused.
>Has this class been eliminated. It appears as if I can use a
>'istream' or an 'ostream' but the 'iostream' is not available.
>The same seems to be true for 'fstreams and stringstreams'.

We very recently had a long thread on this. Summary:

Yes, they were dropped from the draft standard as part of an attempt to
reduce the complexity of iostreams.

You can simulate a bidirectional stream by opening an input and and
output stream sharing a stream buffer object. The simulation is not perfect.

Implementations will doubtless continue to supply bidirectional streams
for compatibility reasons. I believe adding such streams to an implementation
would not violate the standard.

There is no technical reason why the bidirectional streams could not be
put back into the standard. If there is enough public outcry, they
probably would be restored.
Steve Clamage,

Author: (Paul Houghton x2309)
Date: 1995/05/17
Raw View
I have been reading through the 'draft' standard document and have
NOT found any reference to the 'iostream class'. I'm VERY confused.

Has this class been eliminated. It appears as if I can use a
'istream' or an 'ostream' but the 'iostream' is not available.

The same seems to be true for 'fstreams and stringstreams'.

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