Topic: Pre-requisite to reading this group :)

Author: (Mohanakrishna Pakkurti)
Date: 1995/04/28
Raw View
Okay Okay I have not been reading this group for long, and I am not even
a C++ programmer. My interest has been increasing in this area and I am
presently in the baby stage as far as C++ is concerned.

My experience in reading "Design and evolution of C++" was so profound
and eye opening that I have to say that the book should be a must reading
for any programmer that writes more than zero lines of code ;->

Forget about the details of the C++ language, I read the book without
knowing one bit of C++, and still learnt so much about the philosophy
of programming and language design.

Man, this book is awesome. I have to say that very few books have affected
my way of thinking so profoundly.

If you haven't read it yet, Just do it! "Please read this book." and you
won't be sorry. If you are not very interested in C++, you can still benifit
from the book just from Part 1. Any way, hope this is some use to someone.

Take care everyone. Enjoy.

"Most of an angel is in the inside and most of a person is on the outside"
Mohan Pakkurti,                                   -Anna

:: All opinions expressed in this posting are mine and my employer does not
:: necessarily endorse them.
"Most of an angel is in the inside and most of a person is on the outside"
Mohan Pakkurti,                                   -Anna

:: All opinions expressed in this posting are mine and my employer does not
:: necessarily endorse them.