Topic: Overloaded functions in proposed ANSI C++

Author: (Pierre Baillargeon)
Date: 1995/04/25
Raw View
Douglas Clinton ( wrote:
: In article <3n4hi0$> (Jim Fleming) writes:

: JF>   Will the world be surprised when the standard hits and mysterious
: JF>   royalty streams start growing like wild-fire?

: Nothing in the standard mandates using a patented mechanism in an
: implementation. There are alternative, non-patented was to implement
: all these things.

: Please take your conspiracy theories elsewhere.

But doesns't this shows that ARM insistance on NOT specifying anything about
implementation provides a big opportunity for big co. to patent any part
of their design ?  You say non-petented, but are they non-patentable ?

I think all the debate around the C++ language shows it is complex and thus any
compiler design will also be complex and be easily passed through the patent
office.  If no one starts complaining now, the alternatives will become
slimmer and slimmer...  This is even more scary since the patent covers ANY
OO language.

Author: (Jim Fleming)
Date: 1995/04/26
Raw View
In article <>, says...
>Douglas Clinton ( wrote:
>: In article <3n4hi0$> (Jim Fleming)
>: JF>   Will the world be surprised when the standard hits and mysterious
>: JF>   royalty streams start growing like wild-fire?
>: Nothing in the standard mandates using a patented mechanism in an
>: implementation. There are alternative, non-patented was to implement
>: all these things.
>: Please take your conspiracy theories elsewhere.
>But doesns't this shows that ARM insistance on NOT specifying anything
>implementation provides a big opportunity for big co. to patent any part
>of their design ?  You say non-petented, but are they non-patentable ?
>I think all the debate around the C++ language shows it is complex and thus
>compiler design will also be complex and be easily passed through the
>office.  If no one starts complaining now, the alternatives will become
>slimmer and slimmer...  This is even more scary since the patent covers ANY
>OO language.


"They" do not want any input...don't waste your fingers...

Jim Fleming            /|\      Unir Corporation       Unir Technology, Inc.
%Techno Cat I        /  | \     One Naperville Plaza   184 Shuman Blvd. #100
Penn's Landing      /   |  \    Naperville, IL 60563   Naperville, IL 60563
East End, Tortola  |____|___\   1-708-505-5801         1-800-222-UNIR(8647)
British Virgin Islands__|______ 1-708-305-3277 (FAX)   1-708-305-0600
                 \__/-------\__/       e-mail:
Smooth Sailing on Cruising C+@amarans  ftp: <-----stargate----+
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\____to the end of the OuterNet_|

Author: (Pete Becker)
Date: 1995/04/26
Raw View
In article <>, (Pierre Baillargeon) says:
>Douglas Clinton ( wrote:
>: In article <3n4hi0$> (Jim Fleming) writes:
>: JF>   Will the world be surprised when the standard hits and mysterious
>: JF>   royalty streams start growing like wild-fire?
>: Nothing in the standard mandates using a patented mechanism in an
>: implementation. There are alternative, non-patented was to implement
>: all these things.
>: Please take your conspiracy theories elsewhere.
>But doesns't this shows that ARM insistance on NOT specifying anything about
>implementation provides a big opportunity for big co. to patent any part
>of their design ?  You say non-petented, but are they non-patentable ?

 If the language definition says that various language features
should be implemented in a particular way, that means that compiler vendors
cannot do it any other way and still comform to the language definition.
A patent goes the other way: it gives the holder the right to prevent others
from using the patented technique. The difference, then, is between "you
must do it this way" and "you can do it any way you like except this". Isn't
the latter clearly better?
 -- Pete

Author: (Andy Sawyer)
Date: 1995/04/23
Raw View
In article <3n994s$> "Pete Becker" writes:

> Xref: comp.std.c++:8199
> Path:!!!
> From: (Pete Becker)
> Newsgroups: comp.std.c++
> Subject: Re: Overloaded functions in proposed ANSI C++
> Date: 21 Apr 1995 21:47:08 GMT
> Organization: Borland International
> Lines: 22
> Message-ID: <3n994s$>
> References: <3lrgve$> <3l
> s6tj$127@engnews2.Eng.Sun.COM> <>
> NNTP-Posting-Host:
> X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6+
> In article <>,
>  (James Kanze US/ESC 60/3/141 #40763) says:
> >As for it being implemented: co-variant return values are a recent
> >addition to the standard.  How many compilers implement them in any
> >fashion?
> Well, at least one: BC 4.5...
>     -- Pete

 You may be interested to know that BC4.0 does as well :-)

* Andy Sawyer ** ** Compu$erve:100432,1713 **
 The opinions expressed above are my own, but you are granted the right to
 use and freely distribute them. I accept no responsibility for any injury,
 harm or damage arising from their use.                --   The Management.

Author: (John Barton)
Date: 1995/04/21
Raw View
In article <>, (Jason Merrill) writes:
|> >>>>> James Kanze US/ESC 60/3/141 #40763 <> writes:
|> > In article <>
|> > (Jason Merrill) writes:
|> > |> >>>>> Michael Cook <> writes:
|> > |> > I suppose the D::f() could generate code to return a B*.  Then if I were
|> > |> > to invoke d->f(), the compiler could do the downcast implicitly
|> > |> > safely...usually.
|> > |> I think Microsoft has a patent on that technique...but perhaps their
|> > |> patent only applies to adjusting 'this', not the return value.
|> > |> Grumble grumble.
|> > Come on now, Jason.  This is the obvious implementation, which would
|> > occur at first thought to anyone technically competent to write a
|> > compiler.  You cannot patent obvious things.
|> Tell that to the PTO.  Here is the complete text of the patent; it does
|> only apply to adjusting 'this'.
[...full text of patent 5,297,284 deleted...]

  I do not understand why this patent is continually derided.  To me
it seems to be a fine piece of technical work reported in an obscure
and exceptionally uninformative fashion.  The innovation is neither
obvious nor astounding.  Just like most of the other 5M patents.


John J. Barton            (914)784-6645
H1-C13 IBM Watson Research Center P.O. Box 704 Hawthorne NY 10598

Author: (Pete Becker)
Date: 1995/04/21
Raw View
In article <>, (James Kanze US/ESC 60/3/141 #40763) says:
>I think we're talking at cross purposes.
>The `obvious' optimization I was talking about concerns co-variant
>return values in virtual functions.  The `obvious' implementation
>(IMHO) is to have all of the overriding functions actually return the
>same type as the function in the base class, and do any necessary
>adjustment at the call site.  When I first heard about co-variant
>return values, this is the first implementation which occurred to me.
>It still seems the most natural.  It is also *not* covered by the
>Microsoft patent, as far as I can see.


>As for it being implemented: co-variant return values are a recent
>addition to the standard.  How many compilers implement them in any

Well, at least one: BC 4.5...
    -- Pete

Author: "Ronald F. Guilmette" <>
Date: 1995/04/22
Raw View
In article <3n4hi0$>,
Jim Fleming <> wrote:
>Does anyone know how many patents have been filed or exist on C++

Does anyone know if specialized forms of ignorance, stupidity, and childish-
ness are considered patentanble by the U.S. Patent Office?

>Have licensing rights been worked out on these patents?

Has Unir Corporation obtained exclusive rights to the aforementioned
patents on ignorance, stupidity, and childishness?  If so, were these
obtained in a secret back-room deal with that other organization (which
you have so far refused to name) that Unir Corporation is fronting for?

>Is there anyone on the ANSI and/or ISO committees that have researched
>the C++ patent situation?

Yes, I see Jim.  How long have you felt this way about  the patent situation?
(Apologies for the shameless plagarism from the ELIZA aka `doctor' AI pro-
gram of years gone by.)

>Will the world be surprised when the standard hits and mysterious
>royalty streams start growing like wild-fire?

OK.  Here's a topic...

Is there intelligent life on earth?  More specifically, is there any
intelligent life in Illinois?


Friends, that number again is:



-- Ron Guilmette, Sunnyvale, CA ---------- RG Consulting -------------------
---- E-mail: ----------- Purveyors of Compiler Test ----
---- finger: ----------------- Suites and Bullet-Proof Shoes -

Author: (Jason Merrill)
Date: 1995/04/20
Raw View
>>>>> Pete Becker <> writes:

> In article <>, (Jason Merrill) says:
>>>>>>> James Kanze US/ESC 60/3/141 #40763 <> writes:
>>> In article <>
>>> (Jason Merrill) writes:
>>> |> >>>>> Michael Cook <> writes:
>>> |> > I suppose the D::f() could generate code to return a B*.  Then if I were
>>> |> > to invoke d->f(), the compiler could do the downcast implicitly
>>> |> > safely...usually.
>>> |> I think Microsoft has a patent on that technique...but perhaps their
>>> |> patent only applies to adjusting 'this', not the return value.
>>> |> Grumble grumble.
>>> Come on now, Jason.  This is the obvious implementation, which would
>>> occur at first thought to anyone technically competent to write a
>>> compiler.  You cannot patent obvious things.
>> Tell that to the PTO.  Here is the complete text of the patent; it does
>> only apply to adjusting 'this'.

>  Rather than posting it, how about reading it with a critical eye?
> It is a total misrepresentation to assert that it applies to adjusting
> 'this'.

I did not mean to imply that it claimed all adjustment of 'this', but
rather adjustment of 'this' along the lines of Michael's orignal posting --
namely, generating code for D::f () that expects a B* for 'this', just as
you say.

I still feel that this is a pretty obvious optimization.  Do you disagree?


Author: (Pete Becker)
Date: 1995/04/20
Raw View
In article <>, (Jason Merrill) says:
>>>>>> Pete Becker <> writes:
>> In article <>, (Jason Merrill) says:
>>>>>>>> James Kanze US/ESC 60/3/141 #40763 <> writes:
>>>> In article <>
>>>> (Jason Merrill) writes:
>>>> |> >>>>> Michael Cook <> writes:
>>>> |> > I suppose the D::f() could generate code to return a B*.  Then if I were
>>>> |> > to invoke d->f(), the compiler could do the downcast implicitly
>>>> |> > safely...usually.
>>>> |> I think Microsoft has a patent on that technique...but perhaps their
>>>> |> patent only applies to adjusting 'this', not the return value.
>>>> |> Grumble grumble.
>>>> Come on now, Jason.  This is the obvious implementation, which would
>>>> occur at first thought to anyone technically competent to write a
>>>> compiler.  You cannot patent obvious things.
>>> Tell that to the PTO.  Here is the complete text of the patent; it does
>>> only apply to adjusting 'this'.
>>       Rather than posting it, how about reading it with a critical eye?
>> It is a total misrepresentation to assert that it applies to adjusting
>> 'this'.
>I did not mean to imply that it claimed all adjustment of 'this', but
>rather adjustment of 'this' along the lines of Michael's orignal posting --
>namely, generating code for D::f () that expects a B* for 'this', just as
>you say.
>I still feel that this is a pretty obvious optimization.  Do you disagree?

 It is certainly obvious once someone has told you about it. How many
people here can truthfully say that they thought of it on their own? I know
that I haven't seen any compilers that actually did it this way prior to
Microsoft's. The fact that nobody else has done it or talked about it
publicly suggests that it is not obvious.
 -- Pete

Author: (Jason Merrill)
Date: 1995/04/21
Raw View
>>>>> Pete Becker <> writes:

> In article <>, (Jason Merrill) says:

>> I did not mean to imply that it claimed all adjustment of 'this', but
>> rather adjustment of 'this' along the lines of Michael's orignal posting --
>> namely, generating code for D::f () that expects a B* for 'this', just as
>> you say.
>> I still feel that this is a pretty obvious optimization.  Do you disagree?

>  It is certainly obvious once someone has told you about it. How many
> people here can truthfully say that they thought of it on their own? I know
> that I haven't seen any compilers that actually did it this way prior to
> Microsoft's. The fact that nobody else has done it or talked about it
> publicly suggests that it is not obvious.

I will admit that I didn't think of it on my own, but then I hadn't spent
much, if any, time pondering the consequences of thunks.  The person who
has been implementing thunks in g++, Per Bothner, told me when the
Microsoft patent was publicized that he and someone else whose name I've
forgotten had come up with the idea in conversation a few weeks before.
Since the article that started this thread suggested a similar technique
for tweaking the return value, it would appear that the idea of freezing
the interface to a virtual function at the first point of definition is not
un-heard of...

Does Borland C++ use thunks?


Author: (James Kanze US/ESC 60/3/141 #40763)
Date: 1995/04/21
Raw View
In article <3n6ovk$> (Pete
Becker) writes:

|> In article <>, (Jason Merrill) says:
|> >
|> >>>>>> Pete Becker <> writes:
|> >
|> >> In article <>, (Jason Merrill) says:
|> >>>
|> >>>>>>>> James Kanze US/ESC 60/3/141 #40763 <> writes:
|> >>>
|> >>>> In article <>
|> >>>> (Jason Merrill) writes:
|> >>>
|> >>>> |> >>>>> Michael Cook <> writes:
|> >>>
|> >>>> |> > I suppose the D::f() could generate code to return a B*.  Then if I were
|> >>>> |> > to invoke d->f(), the compiler could do the downcast implicitly
|> >>>> |> > safely...usually.
|> >>>
|> >>>> |> I think Microsoft has a patent on that technique...but perhaps their
|> >>>> |> patent only applies to adjusting 'this', not the return value.
|> >>>> |> Grumble grumble.
|> >>>
|> >>>> Come on now, Jason.  This is the obvious implementation, which would
|> >>>> occur at first thought to anyone technically competent to write a
|> >>>> compiler.  You cannot patent obvious things.
|> >>>
|> >>> Tell that to the PTO.  Here is the complete text of the patent; it does
|> >>> only apply to adjusting 'this'.
|> >
|> >>       Rather than posting it, how about reading it with a critical eye?
|> >> It is a total misrepresentation to assert that it applies to adjusting
|> >> 'this'.
|> >
|> >I did not mean to imply that it claimed all adjustment of 'this', but
|> >rather adjustment of 'this' along the lines of Michael's orignal posting --
|> >namely, generating code for D::f () that expects a B* for 'this', just as
|> >you say.
|> >
|> >I still feel that this is a pretty obvious optimization.  Do you disagree?
|> >

|>  It is certainly obvious once someone has told you about it. How many
|> people here can truthfully say that they thought of it on their own? I know
|> that I haven't seen any compilers that actually did it this way prior to
|> Microsoft's. The fact that nobody else has done it or talked about it
|> publicly suggests that it is not obvious.

I think we're talking at cross purposes.

The `obvious' optimization I was talking about concerns co-variant
return values in virtual functions.  The `obvious' implementation
(IMHO) is to have all of the overriding functions actually return the
same type as the function in the base class, and do any necessary
adjustment at the call site.  When I first heard about co-variant
return values, this is the first implementation which occurred to me.
It still seems the most natural.  It is also *not* covered by the
Microsoft patent, as far as I can see.

As for it being implemented: co-variant return values are a recent
addition to the standard.  How many compilers implement them in any

The layout which Microsoft patented is *not* what I would immediately
think of, although it is surprisingly close to what Cfront actually
does.  (Close enough that I would doubt the actual validity of the
patent.  Although as I say, I haven't studied it that closely; there
may be an original idea hidden in it somewhere.)
James Kanze         Tel.: (+33) 88 14 49 00        email:
GABI Software, Sarl., 8 rue des Francs-Bourgeois, F-67000 Strasbourg, France
Conseils en informatique industrielle --
                              -- Beratung in industrieller Datenverarbeitung

Author: (Joe Buck)
Date: 1995/04/21
Raw View
>>>>>> Michael Cook <> writes:
>> I suppose the D::f() could generate code to return a B*.  Then if I were
>> to invoke d->f(), the compiler could do the downcast implicitly
>> safely...usually. (Jason Merrill) writes:
>I think Microsoft has a patent on that technique...but perhaps their patent
>only applies to adjusting 'this', not the return value.  Grumble grumble.

Fortunately, as I recall reading the patent claims the language was
probably too narrow to cover this case, so I think that your "perhaps"
is right.

-- Joe Buck  <> (not speaking for Synopsys, Inc)
Phone: +1 415 694 1729

Author: (Pete Becker)
Date: 1995/04/21
Raw View
In article <>, (Jason Merrill) says:
>>>>>> Pete Becker <> writes:
>> In article <>, (Jason Merrill) says:
>>> I did not mean to imply that it claimed all adjustment of 'this', but
>>> rather adjustment of 'this' along the lines of Michael's orignal posting --
>>> namely, generating code for D::f () that expects a B* for 'this', just as
>>> you say.
>>> I still feel that this is a pretty obvious optimization.  Do you disagree?
>>       It is certainly obvious once someone has told you about it. How many
>> people here can truthfully say that they thought of it on their own? I know
>> that I haven't seen any compilers that actually did it this way prior to
>> Microsoft's. The fact that nobody else has done it or talked about it
>> publicly suggests that it is not obvious.
>I will admit that I didn't think of it on my own, but then I hadn't spent
>much, if any, time pondering the consequences of thunks.  The person who
>has been implementing thunks in g++, Per Bothner, told me when the
>Microsoft patent was publicized that he and someone else whose name I've
>forgotten had come up with the idea in conversation a few weeks before.
>Since the article that started this thread suggested a similar technique
>for tweaking the return value, it would appear that the idea of freezing
>the interface to a virtual function at the first point of definition is not
>un-heard of...
>Does Borland C++ use thunks?

Yes, in the same way that most native-code compilers use them. It's a well
known technique that is not covered by MS's patent.
 -- Pete

Author: (James Kanze US/ESC 60/3/141 #40763)
Date: 1995/04/20
Raw View
In article <>
(Jason Merrill) writes:

|> >>>>> Pete Becker <> writes:

|> > In article <>, (Jason Merrill) says:
|> >>
|> >>>>>>> James Kanze US/ESC 60/3/141 #40763 <> writes:
|> >>
|> >>> In article <>
|> >>> (Jason Merrill) writes:
|> >>
|> >>> |> >>>>> Michael Cook <> writes:
|> >>
|> >>> |> > I suppose the D::f() could generate code to return a B*.  Then if I were
|> >>> |> > to invoke d->f(), the compiler could do the downcast implicitly
|> >>> |> > safely...usually.
|> >>
|> >>> |> I think Microsoft has a patent on that technique...but perhaps their
|> >>> |> patent only applies to adjusting 'this', not the return value.
|> >>> |> Grumble grumble.
|> >>
|> >>> Come on now, Jason.  This is the obvious implementation, which would
|> >>> occur at first thought to anyone technically competent to write a
|> >>> compiler.  You cannot patent obvious things.
|> >>
|> >> Tell that to the PTO.  Here is the complete text of the patent; it does
|> >> only apply to adjusting 'this'.

|> >  Rather than posting it, how about reading it with a critical eye?
|> > It is a total misrepresentation to assert that it applies to adjusting
|> > 'this'.

|> I did not mean to imply that it claimed all adjustment of 'this', but
|> rather adjustment of 'this' along the lines of Michael's orignal posting --
|> namely, generating code for D::f () that expects a B* for 'this', just as
|> you say.

|> I still feel that this is a pretty obvious optimization.  Do you disagree?

Actually, as I read the patent, I don't think it that obvious.  I
mean, it's certainly not the way I would do things, nor the way g++
does things.  In fact, it seems decidedly inferior:-).  (This is from
a very superficial reading, and there are probably advantages to this
method that I haven't seen.  But it does seem to require two hidden
pointers per distinct base class, rather than just one.)

Anyway, it doesn't seem to say anything about adjusting the pointer to
a return value, which is optimization in question.  So I don't think
that you have to worry about patent infringement in this particular
case.  (That still doesn't mean I think that it is worthy of a patent,
but as I say, I haven't studied it enough to say.)
James Kanze         Tel.: (+33) 88 14 49 00        email:
GABI Software, Sarl., 8 rue des Francs-Bourgeois, F-67000 Strasbourg, France
Conseils en informatique industrielle --
                              -- Beratung in industrieller Datenverarbeitung

Author: (Pete Becker)
Date: 1995/04/20
Raw View
In article <>, (Jason Merrill) says:
>>>>>> James Kanze US/ESC 60/3/141 #40763 <> writes:
>> In article <>
>> (Jason Merrill) writes:
>> |> >>>>> Michael Cook <> writes:
>> |> > I suppose the D::f() could generate code to return a B*.  Then if I were
>> |> > to invoke d->f(), the compiler could do the downcast implicitly
>> |> > safely...usually.
>> |> I think Microsoft has a patent on that technique...but perhaps their
>> |> patent only applies to adjusting 'this', not the return value.
>> |> Grumble grumble.
>> Come on now, Jason.  This is the obvious implementation, which would
>> occur at first thought to anyone technically competent to write a
>> compiler.  You cannot patent obvious things.
>Tell that to the PTO.  Here is the complete text of the patent; it does
>only apply to adjusting 'this'.

 Rather than posting it, how about reading it with a critical eye?
It is a total misrepresentation to assert that it applies to adjusting
'this'. What is covered is adjusting 'this' in a certain context, namely,
Microsoft's convention of calling virtual functions in derived classes with
an unadjusted 'this' pointer that points to the base object. This inverts
the usual implementation, which adjusts the 'this' pointer to point to
the derived object.
 -- Pete

Author: (Jim Fleming)
Date: 1995/04/20
Raw View
In article <3n494o$>, says...
>In article <>,
(Jason Merrill) say
>>>>>>> James Kanze US/ESC 60/3/141 #40763 <> writes:
>>> In article <>
>>> (Jason Merrill) writes:
>>> |> >>>>> Michael Cook <> writes:
>>> |> > I suppose the D::f() could generate code to return a B*.  Then if I
>>> |> > to invoke d->f(), the compiler could do the downcast implicitly
>>> |> > safely...usually.
>>> |> I think Microsoft has a patent on that technique...but perhaps their
>>> |> patent only applies to adjusting 'this', not the return value.
>>> |> Grumble grumble.
>>> Come on now, Jason.  This is the obvious implementation, which would
>>> occur at first thought to anyone technically competent to write a
>>> compiler.  You cannot patent obvious things.
>>Tell that to the PTO.  Here is the complete text of the patent; it does
>>only apply to adjusting 'this'.
>        Rather than posting it, how about reading it with a critical eye?
>It is a total misrepresentation to assert that it applies to adjusting
>'this'. What is covered is adjusting 'this' in a certain context, namely,
>Microsoft's convention of calling virtual functions in derived classes with
>an unadjusted 'this' pointer that points to the base object. This inverts
>the usual implementation, which adjusts the 'this' pointer to point to
>the derived object.
>        -- Pete


Does anyone know how many patents have been filed or exist on C++

Have licensing rights been worked out on these patents?

Is there anyone on the ANSI and/or ISO committees that have researched
the C++ patent situation?

Will the world be surprised when the standard hits and mysterious
royalty streams start growing like wild-fire?

Jim Fleming            /|\      Unir Corporation       Unir Technology, Inc.
%Techno Cat I        /  | \     One Naperville Plaza   184 Shuman Blvd. #100
Penn's Landing      /   |  \    Naperville, IL 60563   Naperville, IL 60563
East End, Tortola  |____|___\   1-708-505-5801         1-800-222-UNIR(8647)
British Virgin Islands__|______ 1-708-305-3277 (FAX)   1-708-305-0600
                 \__/-------\__/       e-mail:
Smooth Sailing on Cruising C+@amarans  ftp: <-----stargate----+
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\____to the end of the OuterNet_|

Author: (James Kanze US/ESC 60/3/141 #40763)
Date: 1995/04/19
Raw View
In article <>
(Jason Merrill) writes:

|> >>>>> Michael Cook <> writes:

|> > I suppose the D::f() could generate code to return a B*.  Then if I were
|> > to invoke d->f(), the compiler could do the downcast implicitly
|> > safely...usually.

|> I think Microsoft has a patent on that technique...but perhaps their patent
|> only applies to adjusting 'this', not the return value.  Grumble grumble.

Come on now, Jason.  This is the obvious implementation, which would
occur at first thought to anyone technically competent to write a
compiler.  You cannot patent obvious things.
James Kanze         Tel.: (+33) 88 14 49 00        email:
GABI Software, Sarl., 8 rue des Francs-Bourgeois, F-67000 Strasbourg, France
Conseils en informatique industrielle --
                              -- Beratung in industrieller Datenverarbeitung

Author: (Jason Merrill)
Date: 1995/04/19
Raw View
>>>>> James Kanze US/ESC 60/3/141 #40763 <> writes:

> In article <>
> (Jason Merrill) writes:

> |> >>>>> Michael Cook <> writes:

> |> > I suppose the D::f() could generate code to return a B*.  Then if I were
> |> > to invoke d->f(), the compiler could do the downcast implicitly
> |> > safely...usually.

> |> I think Microsoft has a patent on that technique...but perhaps their
> |> patent only applies to adjusting 'this', not the return value.
> |> Grumble grumble.

> Come on now, Jason.  This is the obvious implementation, which would
> occur at first thought to anyone technically competent to write a
> compiler.  You cannot patent obvious things.

Tell that to the PTO.  Here is the complete text of the patent; it does
only apply to adjusting 'this'.


Proc-Type: 2001,MIC-CLEAR

PATN  Patent Bibliographic Information
WKU     Patent Number:    05297284
SRC     Series Code:    7
APN     Application Number:   6825370
APT     Application Type:   1
ART     Art Unit:    236
APD     Application Filing Date:  19910409
TTL     Title of Invention:   Method and system for implementing virtual functions and virtual base
      classes and setting a this pointer for an object-oriented programming
ISD     Issue Date:    19940322
NCL     Number of Claims:   19
ECL     Exemplary Claim Number:   1
EXA     Assistant Examiner:   Backenstose; Jon H. T.
EXP     Primary Examiner:   Kriess; Kevin A.
NDR     Number of Drawings Sheets:  17
NFG     Number of Figures:   15

INVT  Inventor Information
NAM     Inventor Name:    Jones; David T.
CTY     Inventor City:    Preston
STA     Inventor State:    WA

INVT  Inventor Information
NAM     Inventor Name:    O'Riordan; Martin J.
CTY     Inventor City:    Redmond
STA     Inventor State:    WA

INVT  Inventor Information
NAM     Inventor Name:    Zbikowski; Mark J.
CTY     Inventor City:    Woodinville
STA     Inventor State:    WA

ASSG  Assignee Information
NAM     Assignee Name:    Microsoft Corporation
CTY     Assignee City:    Redmond
STA     Assignee State:    WA
COD     Assignee Type Code:   02

CLAS  Classification
OCL     Original U.S. Classification:   395700
XCL     Cross Reference Classification:   364DIG1
XCL     Cross Reference Classification:   3642551
XCL     Cross Reference Classification:   3642558
XCL     Cross Reference Classification:   3642614
XCL     Cross Reference Classification:   364DIG2
XCL     Cross Reference Classification:   3649383
XCL     Cross Reference Classification:   364955
XCL     Cross Reference Classification:   3649556
EDF     International Classification Edition Field: 5
ICL     International Classification:   G06F  942
FSC     Field of Search Class:    395
FSS     Field of Search Subclass:   700
FSC     Field of Search Class:    364
FSS     Field of Search Subclass:   280.4;973
FSC     Field of Search Class:    394
FSS     Field of Search Subclass:   900

UREF  U.S. Patent Reference
PNO     Patent Number:     Re33706
ISD     Issue Date:     19911000
NAM     Patentee Name:     Mohri
OCL     Original U.S. Classification:   394900

UREF  U.S. Patent Reference
PNO     Patent Number:     5093914
ISD     Issue Date:     19920300
NAM     Patentee Name:     Coplien et al.
OCL     Original U.S. Classification:   395700

OREF  Other Reference

Borland International, Turbo C.sup.++ Programes Guide pp. 102-130, 1990.

Smith, Paul, OOP with Pascal, EXE, Sep. 1989 v. 4 No. 4 p. 18(3).

Margaret A. Ellis and Bjarne Stroustrup, The Annotated C++ Reference
Manual, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, New York, 1990, Ch. 10,
"Derived Classes," pp. 228-237.

LREP  Legal Information
FRM     Legal Firm:    Seed and Berry

ABST  Abstract

A method for a computer compiler for an object-oriented programming
language for implementing virtual functions and virtual base classes is
provided. In preferred embodiments of the present invention, the data
structure layout of an object includes a virtual function table pointer, a
virtual base table pointer, occurrences of each non-virtual base class,
the data members of the class, and occurrences of each virtual base class.
If a class introduces a virtual function member and the class has a
non-virtual base class with a virtual function table pointer, then the
class shares the virtual function table pointer of the non-virtual base
class that is first visited in a depth-first, left-to-right traversal of
the inheritance tree. In preferred embodiments of the present invention,
each instance of a given class shares a set of virtual function tables and
virtual base tables for that class. In preferred embodiments, adjusters
are used when a function member in a derived class overrides a function
member that is defined in more than one base class, and when a derived
class has a base class that overrides a function member in a virtual base
class of that class and the derived class itself does not override the
function member.

BSUM  Brief Summary


     1. Technical Field

     This invention relates generally to the field of compilers for computer
programming languages and more specifically to compilers for languages
having object-oriented features.

     2. Background of the Invention

     The use of object-oriented programming techniques can facilitate the
development of complex computer programs. Programming languages that
support object-oriented techniques have been developed. One such
programming language is C++.

     Two common characteristics of object-oriented programming languages are
support for data encapsulation and data type inheritance. Data
encapsulation refers to the binding of functions and data. Inheritance
refers to the ability to declare a data type in terms of other data types.

     In the GC++ language, object-oriented techniques are supported through the
use classes. A class is a user-defined type. A class declaration describes
the data members and function members of the class. For example, the
following declaration defines data members and function member of a class
named CIRCLE.

TBL  ______________________________________
                class CIRCLE
                 { int x, y;
                  int radius;
                  void draw( );

Variables x and y specify the center location of a circle and variable
radius specifies the radius of the circle. These variables are referred to
as data members of the class CIRCLE. The function draw is a user-defined
function that draws the circle of the specified radius at the specified
location. The function draw is referred to as a function member of class
CIRCLE. The data members and function members of a class are bound
together in that the function operates an instance of the class. An
instance of a class is also called an object of the class.

     In the syntax of C++, the following statement declares the objects a and b
to be of type class CIRCLE.

 CIRCLE a, b;

This declaration causes the allocation of memory for the objects a and b,
such an allocation is called an instance of the class. The following
statements assign data to the data members of objects a and b.







The following statements are used to draw the circles defined by objects a
and b.



     A derived class is a class that inherits the characteristics--data members
and function members--of its base classes. For example, the following
derived class CIRCLE.sub.-- FILL inherits the characteristics of the base
class CIRCLE.

TBL  ______________________________________
            class CIRCLE.sub.-- FILL : CIRCLE
             { int pattern;
              void fill( );

This declaration specifies that class CIRCLE.sub.-- FILL includes all the
data and function members that are in class CIRCLE in addition to the
those data and function members introduced in the declaration of class
CIRCLE.sub.-- FILL, that is, data member pattern and function member fill.
In this example, class CIRCLE.sub.-- FILL would have data members x, y,
radius, and pattern and function members draw and fill. Class
CIRCLE.sub.-- FILL is said to "inherit" the characteristics of class
CIRCLE. A class that inherits the characteristics of another class is a
derived class (e.g., CIRCLE.sub.-- FILL). A class that does not inherit
the characteristics of another class is a primary class (e.g., CIRCLE). A
class whose characteristics are inherited by another class is a base class
(e.g., CIRCLE is a base class of CIRCLE.sub.-- FILL). A derived class may
inherit the characteristics of several classes, that is, a derived class
may have several base classes. This is referred to as multiple

     A derived class may specify that a base class is to be inherited virtually.
Virtual inheritance of a base class means that only one instance of the
virtual base class exists in the derived class. For example, the following
is an example of a derived class with two non-virtual base classes.

 class PATTERN : CIRCLE, CIRCLE{ . . . };

In this declaration class PATTERN inherits class CIRCLE twice
non-virtually. There are two instances of class CIRCLE in class PATTERN.

     The following is an example of a derived class with two virtual base

 class PATTERN: virtual CIRCLE, virtual CIRCLE{ . . . };

The derived class PATTERN inherits class CIRCLE twice virtually. Since the
class CIRCLE is virtually inherited twice, there is only one object of
class CIRCLE in the derived class PATTERN. This is the simplest use of
virtual inheritance and is not particularly useful. One skilled in the art
would appreciate virtual inheritance can be very useful when the class
derivation is more complex.

     A class may also specify whether its function members are to be virtually
inherited. Declaring that a function member is virtual means that the
function can be overridden by a function of the same name and type in a
derived class. In the following example, the function draw is declared to
be virtual in classes CIRCLE and CIRCLE.sub.-- FILL.

TBL  ______________________________________
            class CIRCLE
             { int x, y;
              int radius;
              virtual void draw( );
            class CIRCLE.sub.-- FILL : CIRCLE
             { int pattern;
              virtual void draw( );

Continuing with the example, the following statement declares object a to
be of type class CIRCLE and object b to be of type class CIRCLE.sub.--


 CIRCLE.sub.-- FILL b;

The following statement refers to the function draw as defined in class


Whereas, the following statement refers to the function draw defined in
class CIRCLE.sub.-- FILL.


Moreover, the following statements type cast object b to an object of type
class CIRCLE and invoke the function draw that is defined in class

TBL  ______________________________________
     CIRCLE c;
     c.sub.-- ptr *CIRCLE;
     c.sub.-- ptr = &b;
     c.sub.-- ptr->draw( );
                   //    CIRCLE.sub.-- FILL::draw( )

Thus, the type casting preserves the call to the overriding function
CIRCLE.sub.-- FILL::draw.

     Although object-oriented techniques facilitate the development of complex
computer programs, the resulting computer programs can be less efficient
in execution speed and require more memory than a program developed
without object-oriented techniques. It would be desirable to have method
and system for implementing the techniques of object-oriented programming
to improve the execution speed and reduce the memory requirements of the
computer program.

                          SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION

     It is an object of the present invention to provide improved methods of
implementing virtual functions in a compiler for an object-oriented
programming language.

     It is another object of the present invention to provide improved methods
for implementing virtual base classes in a compiler for an object-oriented
programming language.

     It is another object of the present invention to provide an improved
compiler for an object-oriented programming language that reduces the
run-time storage requirements for each instance of a class.

     It is another object of the present invention to provide a method in a
compiler for an object-oriented programming language in which virtual
function table pointers can be shared between a derived class and a base

     It is another object of the present invention to provide a compiler for an
object-oriented programming language that reduces the number of adjusters
needed for the virtual functions.

     These and other objects of the invention, which will become more apparent
as the invention is described more fully below, are obtained by providing
an improved compiler for a programming language wherein the object data
structure layouts for a class include a virtual function table pointer, a
virtual base table pointer, occurrences of object data structures for
non-virtual base classes, data members of the class, and object data
structures for virtual base classes of the class, wherein associated with
each class is a set of virtual function tables and virtual base tables
that are shared by each instance of the class, and wherein adjusters
adjust the this pointer when invoking a virtual function. In preferred
embodiments of the present invention, a derived class that introduces a
virtual function member and has a non-virtual base class with a virtual
function table pointer, shares the virtual function table pointer of the
first non-virtual base class encountered in a depth-first, left-to-right
traversal of the inheritance tree. In preferred embodiments, the this
pointer is set equal to the address of the virtual function table pointer
for the class when the class has a virtual function table pointer, else
the address of the virtual base table pointer when the class has a virtual
base table pointer, else the this pointer of a non-virtual base class when
the class has a non-virtual base class, else the address of a data member
of the class.

DRWD  Drawing Description


     FIG. 1 shows the inheritance tree for class F.

     FIG. 2 shows a flow diagram of a method for generating a class data
structure in a preferred embodiment.

     FIG. 3 is a flow diagram of a method for initializing the virtual function
tables in a preferred embodiment.

     FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram of the data structure, the virtual function
table, and the function members of class A1 that are generated in a
preferred embodiment of the present invention.

     FIG. 5 is a schematic diagram of the run-time allocations of objects a and
b of type class A1 in a preferred embodiment of the present invention.

     FIG. 6 is a schematic diagram of the data structure, the virtual function
table, and the function members of class B1 that are generated in a
preferred embodiment of the present invention.

     FIG. 7 is a schematic diagram of the data structure of class A2 that is
generated in a preferred embodiment of the present invention.

     FIG. 8 is a schematic diagram of the data structure, the virtual function
table, and the function members of class B2 that are generated in a
preferred embodiment of the present invention.

     FIG. 9 is a schematic diagram of the data structure, the virtual function
table, and the function members of class A3 that are generated in a
preferred embodiment of the present invention.

     FIG. 10 is a schematic diagram of the data structure, the virtual function
tables, and the function members of class C1 that are generated in a
preferred embodiment of the present invention.

     FIG. 11 is a schematic diagram of the data structure, the virtual function
table, and the function members of class A4 that are generated in a
preferred embodiment of the present invention.

     FIG. 12 is a schematic diagram of the data structure, the virtual function
tables, and the function members of class C0 that are generated in a
preferred embodiment of the present invention.

     FIG. 13 is a schematic diagram of the data structure, the virtual function
tables, and the function members of class C2 that are generated in a
preferred embodiment of the present invention.

     FIG. 14 is a schematic diagram of the data structure, the virtual function
tables, the virtual base table, and the function members of class B3 that
are generated in a preferred embodiment of the present invention.

     FIG. 15 is a schematic diagram of the data structure, the virtual function
tables, the virtual base table, and the virtual function members of class
C3 that are generated in a preferred embodiment of the present invention.

DETD  Detail Description


     The present invention provides an improved method and system for
implementing the object-oriented techniques of virtual functions and
virtual classes. A preferred embodiment of the present invention is a C++
compiler that implements virtual functions and virtual classes as
described herein. Although the present invention is described in terms of
a compiler for the C++ programming language, one skilled in the art would
know that the methods of the present invention are applicable to other
programming languages that support virtual functions and virtual classes.

     In a preferred embodiment, the compiler defines a data structure for each
class. If a class declares a base class to be virtual, then the compiler
allocates a virtual base table for the class. If a class introduces a
virtual function, then the compiler allocates a virtual function table for
the class. The class data structure contains the layout of the data
members and internal pointers. The internal pointers are virtual base
table pointers and virtual function table pointers. These pointers are
initialized during run time to point to the virtual base table and virtual
function table associated with the class. During compile time, the
compiler initializes the virtual function tables with addresses
corresponding to virtual functions and initializes the virtual base tables
with offsets into the data structure corresponding to the location of the
virtually inherited classes.

                              Data Structures

     The compiler defines a data structure for each class. The data structure
specifies the run-time storage allocation for each instance of the class.
The data structure contains allocations for the data members of the class
and for internal pointers used to implement virtual functions and virtual
classes. The data structure for a derived class also contains the data
structure for each base class. The data structure of a base class within a
derived class is referred to as an occurrence of the base class within the
derived class.

     The data structure for a primary class that has no virtual function members
consists of the data members allocated in order of appearance in the class
declaration. In a preferred embodiment, the data members in any data
structure have the same alignment characteristics as the C++ struct data

     The data structure for a primary class that has a virtual function member
consists of a virtual function table pointer followed by the data members
allocated in order of appearance in the declaration.

     The data structure for a derived class varies depending on the
characteristics of the derived class and the base classes. In a preferred
embodiment, the data structure for a derived class consists of:

 (1) a virtual function table pointer, if the derived class defines a
  virtual function member that is not defined in a base class and if there
  is no non-virtual base class that has a virtual function table associated
  with it,

 (2) a virtual base table pointer, if there is a virtual base class and if
  there is no non-virtual base class that has a virtual base table pointer
  associated with that non-virtual base class,

 (3) an occurrence of each non-virtual base class in the left-to-right order
  specified in the list of base classes in the declaration,

 (4) the data members declared in the derived class allocated in order of
  appearance in the declaration, and

 (5) an occurrence of each virtual base class in the order as visited in a
  depth-first, left-to-right traversal of the inheritance tree (described
  below) of the derived class.

     A derived class is a direct descendant of the base classes listed in the
declaration. Conversely, the base classes listed in the declaration are
direct ancestors of a derived class. An inheritance tree is the ancestral
relationship of the direct and indirect ancestors of a class. FIG. 1 shows
the inheritance tree for class F. Class F and its ancestor classes are
defined below.

 class A{ . . . };

 class B{ . . . };

 class C{ . . . };

 class D: A, B{ . . . };

 class E: C { . . . };

 class F: D, E{ . . . };

Class F directly descends from base classes D and E and indirectly descends
from classes A, B, and C. Classes A, B, C, D, and E are base classes of
class F. Classes D and E are direct base classes of class F. Classes A, B,
and C are indirect base classes of class F. A depth-first, left-to-right
traversal of this inheritance tree would visit the nodes in the following
order: F, D, A, B, E, C. One skilled in the art would recognize that this
traversal is a preorder traversal of the inheritance tree defined by the
following recursive procedure.

TBL  ______________________________________
     Preorder.sub.-- Traversal(Tree)
     visit root of Tree
     for each direct ancestor of Tree in left-to-
             right order
             SubTree = the tree rooted at the direct
             call Preorder.sub.-- Traversal(SubTree)

Although preferred embodiments use a depth-first, left-to-right traversal
of the inheritance tree, one skilled in the art would appreciate that
other methods of traversing the inheritance tree may be used. Similarly,
preferred embodiments scan the direct base class list in a left-to-right
ordering. However, other orderings may be used.

                           Virtual Function Table

     A virtual function table for a class contains addresses corresponding to
the virtual function members associated with that class. The virtual
function table is used at run time to invoke the virtual functions
indirectly. Each primary class with a virtual function member has an
associated virtual function table. The virtual function table contains the
addresses of each virtual function member in order of declaration. The
data structure for such a class contains a virtual function table pointer
(vfptr). When memory for a data structure is allocated at run time, the
virtual function table pointer is initialized with the address of the
associated virtual function table. Thus, all objects of certain class type
point to the same virtual function table. To implement the invoking of a
virtual function, the compiler generates code to access the virtual
function member through the virtual function table.

     A derived class inherits a copy of the virtual function tables associated
with its direct base classes. Also, a derived class that introduces a
virtual function member either has an additional virtual function table or
shares one of the inherited virtual function tables. A class is said to
"introduce" a virtual function member if there are no other virtual
function members of the same name and type in a base class. Such a derived
class shares the virtual function table with the first non-virtual base
class with an associated virtual function table that is visited in a
depth-first, left-to-right traversal of the inheritance tree, if such a
base class exists. Otherwise, the derived class has its own virtual
function table. The derived class shares a virtual function table by
appending the entries for the function members introduced in the derived
class to the shared table.

     In a preferred embodiment, the compiler generates code to invoke virtual
functions indirectly through the virtual function table associated with
the invoking object.

                            Virtual Base Tables

     A virtual base table contains, for each virtual direct base class, the
offset between the address of the derived class and the address of the
occurrence of the virtual direct base class in the derived class. The
address of a class is described below. The virtual base tables are used at
run time to access the data members in virtual base classes.

     The data structure for a derived class with an associated virtual direct
base class includes a virtual base table pointer. Such a derived class
shares the virtual base table pointer with the first non-virtual bas class
with an associated virtual base table that is visited in a depth-first,
left-to-right traversal of the inheritance tree, if such a base class
exists. The sharing of a virtual base table pointer means that the derived
class and the base class share the same virtual base table. When a virtual
base table is shared, the virtual base table is extended to include the
offsets of the occurrences for the virtual direct base classes in the
derived class that are not inherited by the base class whose virtual base
table pointer is being shared. All functions that access the data members
of a virtual base class access the data member through a virtual base

     The entries in a virtual base table are ordered according to a
left-to-right ordering of the virtual base classes in the declaration of
the derived class.

                               Class Address

     The address of an instance of a class is the address of the virtual
function table pointer, if the class has one or shares one. Otherwise, the
address of an instance of a class is the address of the virtual base table
pointer, if the class has one or shares one. Otherwise, the address of an
instance of a class is the address of the occurrence of the left-most
non-virtual direct base class in the declaration, if there is such a base
class. Otherwise, the address of an instance of a class is the address of
the first data member in the class.

                                This Pointer

     In the C++ language, the "this" pointer points to the object for which a
function is called. The word "this" is a reserved word in the C++
language. In a preferred embodiment, the this pointer is passed to the
function as hidden argument.

     For non-virtual function members, the this pointer is the address of the
object associated with the call.

     For virtual function members, the this pointer is the address of the
occurrence of the introducing class in the object associated with the
call. A function defined in the introducing class expects that it is
passed such a this pointer value. If the function is overridden, the
overriding function may logically adjust the this pointer by the offset
between the address of the object and the address of the occurrence of the
introducing class within the object. This logical adjustment allows the
overriding function to access the entire object of the class in which the
overriding function is declared. In a preferred embodiment, explicit
adjustment of the address may not be necessary because the offset can
usually be incorporated into another computation or address formation.

     Because an overriding function can be shared by many occurrences of a class
or many different classes, there are two cases in which the this pointer
needs to be adjusted before a function is invoked. In these cases,
adjustor routines (i.e. thunks) are used to adjust the this pointer value
before the function is invoked.

     The first case occurs when a function member in a derived class overrides a
function member that is defined in more than one base class, including
when a class that defines the function occurs more than once in the
inheritance tree. In this case, the overriding function is compiled
expecting that the this pointer is set to the address of the "introducing
class." The "introducing class" for a function is the first class visited
in a depth-first, left-to-right traversal of the inheritance tree that
introduces the function. For each class, except the introducing class, in
which the function is overridden, an adjustor is created. The adjustor
modifies the this pointer and then invokes the overriding function. The
adjustor modifies the this pointer by the offset between the address of
the occurrence of the introducing class and the address of the occurrence
of the class for which the function is invoked. To override the address of
the virtual function, the address of the adjustor is placed in the virtual
function table corresponding to the occurrence of the class in which the
function is defined. Thus, when the overriding function is invoked for an
occurrence of a class for which an adjustor is created, the compiled
program retrieves the address of the adjustor from the virtual function
table and calls the adjustor. The adjustor then adjusts the this pointer
and jumps to the overriding function. The virtual function table of the
occurrence of the introducing class within the derived class contains the
address of the overriding function, no adjustor is needed.

     The second case occurs when a derived class has a base class that overrides
a function member in a virtual base class and the derived class itself
does not override the function member. In this case, the overriding
function is compiled to expect the this pointer to be set to the address
of the introducing class, the virtual class. To access an object for the
class that virtually inherits the introducing class, the overriding
function logically adjusts the this pointer by the offset of the
occurrence of the introducing class and the address of the object. For the
class that virtually inherits the introducing class, the address of the
overriding function is placed in the virtual function table associated
with the virtually inherited class. However, when such a class is itself
used as a base class, the offset between occurrence of the virtual base
class and the occurrence of the base class in the derived class may be
different than the offset that the overriding function expects. In such
case, an adjustor is used for the overriding function. The adjustor
adjusts the this pointer to account for the difference between the
offsets. The address of the adjustor is placed in the virtual function
table associated with occurrence of the virtual class in the derived
class. Thus, when the overriding function is called for an object of the
derived class, the adjustor is invoked. The adjustor adjusts the this
pointer by the difference in the offsets so that the overriding function
correctly computes the address of the introducing class. The adjustor then
invokes the overriding function.

     FIGS. 2 and 3 show a flow diagram of a preferred embodiment of the present
invention. FIG. 2 shows a flow diagram of a method for generating a class
data structure for the current class in a preferred embodiment. The
"current class" refers the class declaration that the system is currently

     In block 202, if the current class introduces a virtual function, then the
current class needs an associated virtual function table and the system
continues at block 203, else the system jumps to block 206. In blocks 203
through 205, the system determines whether the current class will share
the virtual function table of a base class and selects a virtual function
table pointer for the current class. In block 203, if there is a
non-virtual base class of the current class that has a virtual function
table pointer, then the current class will share that virtual function
table pointer and the system continues at block 205, else the current
class will have its own virtual function table pointer and the system
continues at block 204. In block 204, the system allocates a virtual
function table pointer (vfptr) in the data structure for the current class
and selects that pointer. In block 205, the system selects the virtual
function table pointer associated with the first, non-virtual base class
with an associated virtual function table pointer that is visited in a
depth-first, left-to-right traversal of the inheritance tree. The current
class will share the selected virtual function table pointer.

     In blocks 206 through 209, the system determines whether the current class
will share a virtual base table with a base class. In block 206, if the
current class has a virtual direct base class, then the current class
needs an associated virtual base table and the system continues at block
207, else the system jumps to 210. In block 207, if a non-virtual base
class has an associated virtual base table pointer, then the current class
shares a virtual base table and the system continues at block 209, else
the system continues at block 208. In block 208, the system allocates a
virtual base table pointer (vbptr) for the current class and selects the
pointer. In block 209, the system selects the virtual base table pointer
associated with the first, non-virtual base class with an associated
virtual base table pointer that is visited in a depth-first, left-to-right
traversal of the inheritance tree. The current class will share the
selected virtual base table pointer.

     In block 210, the system allocates in the data structure an occurrence of
each non-virtual direct base class. The occurrences are allocated based on
the left-to-right ordering in the declaration of the current class. In
block 211, the system allocates the data members of the current class in
the data structure, based on the order of declaration. In block 212, the
system allocates an occurrence of each virtual base class in the data
structure. The occurrences are allocated in the order as visited in a
depth-first, left-to-right traversal of the inheritance tree. The system
also generates a virtual base table, if the current class does not share
one and there is a virtual direct base class. The system makes a copy of
each virtual base table associated with the base classes. The system
adjusts the entries in these virtual base tables to reflect the position
of the occurrences of the virtual base classes relative to the address of
the current class.

     In blocks 213 through 219, the system determines the address of the current
class. In block 213, if a virtual function table pointer was selected for
the current class, then in block 214 the system sets address of the class
equal to the offset of the selected virtual function table pointer in the
class data structure, else the system continues at block 215. In block
215, if a virtual base table pointer was selected for the current class,
then in block 216 the system sets the address of the current class equal
to the offset of the selected virtual base table pointer in the class data
structure, else the system continues at block 217. In block 217, if the
current class has a non-virtual direct base class, then in block 218 the
system sets the address of the current class equal to the offset of the
occurrence of the left-most, non-virtual direct base class in the current
class, else the system continues at block 219. In block 217, the system
sets the address of the current class equal to the offset of the first
data member in the current class data structure. Once the address for the
current class is set, then the system initializes the virtual function
tables for the current class.

     FIG. 3 is a flow diagram of a method for initializing the virtual function
tables in a preferred embodiment. In block 301, the system makes a copy of
each virtual function table associated with the base classes of the
current class. If a virtual base class has a virtual function table, the
system copies the virtual function table from the left-most, direct base
class that is derived from the virtual base class. If the current class
introduces a virtual function and the current class does not share a
virtual function table, then the system creates a virtual function table
for the current class. In block 302, the system generates a constructor
for the current class. The constructor is a function that is executed at
run time whenever an instance of the current class is created. The
constructor initializes the virtual function table pointers (vfptrs) in
the class instance to point to the virtual function tables associated with
the class and initializes the virtual base pointers (vbptrs) in the class
instance to point to the virtual base tables associated with the current

     In blocks 303 through 311, the system updates the virtual function tables
to reflect that the current class introduces functions and has overriding
functions. In block 303, the system selects the next virtual function
(starting with the first) in the current class. In block 304, if there are
no more virtual functions to select, then the system continues at block
312, else the system continues at block 305. In block 305, if the selected
virtual function overrides a virtual function in a base class, then the
system continues at block 308, else the system continues at block 306. In
block 306, the system adds an entry to the virtual function table for the
current class. In block 307, the system initializes the entry to contain
the address of the selected function and loops to block 303.

     In block 308, the system places the address of the selected function in the
virtual function table of the introducing class so as to override the
address of the overridden virtual function. In block 309, if the selected
function overrides a function in an occurrence of a base class that has
not yet been processed, then the system selects the occurrence and
continues at block 310, else the system loops to block 303. The processing
in blocks 310 and 311 corresponds to the first case, as described above,
in which the this pointer needs to be adjusted. In block 310, the system
creates an adjustor. The adjustor is a routine that is executed at run
time. The adjustor adjusts the this pointer and jumps to the overriding
function. The adjustor modifies the this pointer by the offset between the
address of the occurrence of the introducing class and the address of the
selected occurrence. In block 311, the system places the address of the
adjustor in the virtual function table of the selected occurrence to
override the address of the virtual function.

     In blocks 312 through 319, the system overrides the virtual function table
entries in base classes that have an overriding function member and that
virtually inherit the introducing class, when the overriding function
member is not declared in the current class. The methods described in
blocks 312 through 319 correspond to the second case, as described above,
in which an adjustor is needed. In block 312, the system selects the
occurrence of the next virtual base class in the current class. In block
313, if there are no more virtual base classes to select, then the system
is done, else the system continues at block 314. In block 314, the system
selects the next virtual function in the selected occurrence. In block
315, if there are no more virtual functions in the selected occurrence,
then the system loops to block 312, else the system continues at block
316. In block 316, if the selected function is declared in the current
class, then no adjustor is needed and the system loops to block 312, else
the system continues at block 317. In block 317, if the selected function
is an overriding function, then an adjustor is needed and the system
continues at block 318, else an adjustor is not needed and the system
loops to block 312. In block 318, the system creates an adjustor. The
adjustor adjusts the this pointer by the difference between the offset of
the occurrence of the virtual base class and the occurrence of the base
class of the current class in which the overriding function is declared
and the offset the overriding function expects. In block 319, the system
overrides the address of the selected function in the virtual function
table associated with the selected occurrence with the address of the
adjustor. The system then loops to block 314.

     In the following, several examples of class declarations are presented
along with the data structures, virtual function tables, and virtual base
tables generated in a preferred embodiment of the present invention. Class
A1 defined below is an example of a primary class with virtual functions.

TBL  ______________________________________
             class A1
              {           int ma11;
                          int ma12;
                          int fa10( );
                  virtual int fa11( );
                  virtual int fa12( );

     FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram of the data structure 401, the virtual
function table 402, and the function members 403, 404 of class A1 that are
generated in a preferred embodiment of the present invention. The data
structure 401 contains the virtual function table pointer A1::vfptr and
the data members A1::ma11 and A1::ma12. The pointer A1::vfptr is an
internal pointer that is used to access the virtual function members at
run time. The virtual function table 402 contains the address of function
A1::fa11 and the address of function A1::fa12.

     FIG. 5 is a schematic diagram of the run-time allocations of objects a and
b of type class A1 in a preferred embodiment of the present invention.
During run time, the compiled program allocates object a 501 and object b
502 in accordance with the data structure 401 that is generated at compile
time. The compiled program contains the virtual function table 503 for
class A1. The compiler initializes the contents of the virtual function
table 503 to contain the addresses of the virtual function members 504,
505 of class A1. Alternatively, the virtual function table 503 could be
initialized either at run time or during subroutine linkage based on
actual load address of the virtual function members 504 and 505. During
run time, the compiled program invokes the constructor 506 for class A1 to
initialize the data in object a 501 and object b 502. The constructor sets
the pointer vfptr in each object to the address of the virtual function
table 503 for class A1. All objects of type class A1 share the same
virtual function table 503. The compiler generates code for the virtual
function members A1::fa11 504 and A1::fa12 505 expecting that the this
pointer is set to the address of the calling object. Whenever the compiler
generates code to invoke the virtual function members 504, 505, the
generated code accesses the virtual function members 504, 505 indirectly
through the pointer vfptr of the calling objects. Thus, the statement


which invokes virtual function member A1::fa12 for object b 502, is
logically equivalent to the following statement.


     Class B1 defined below is an example of derived class with virtual function
members and with base class A1. The virtual function member fa11 of class
B1 overrides virtual function member fa11 of class A1.

TBL  ______________________________________
             class B1 : A1
              {           int mb11;
                          int mb11;
                  virtual int fa11( );
                  virtual int fb11( );
                  virtual int fb12( );

     FIG. 6 is a schematic diagram of the data structure 601, the virtual
function table 602, and the function members 603, 604, 605, 607 of class
B1 that are generated in a preferred embodiment of the present invention.
The data structure 601 contains an occurrence 608 of the data structure of
base class A1 and the data member B1::mb11 declared in class B1. Class B1
shares the virtual function pointer (A1::vfptr) of the occurrence 608 of
class A1. The virtual function table 602 contains entries for the virtual
function member 607 of class A1 and entries for the virtual function
members 603, 604, 605 of class B1.

     The first two entries of the virtual function table 602 correspond to the
virtual function members 606, 607 defined in class A1. However, the
virtual function member fa11 606 of class A1 is overridden by the virtual
function member 603 of the same name defined in class B1. Thus, the first
entry of the virtual function table 602 contains the address of function
603, the overriding function. The virtual function table 602 also contains
the addresses of the virtual function members fb11 604 and fb12 605 that
are introduced in class B1.

     Class A2 defined below is an example of a primary class with no virtual
function members.

TBL  ______________________________________
             class A2
              {       int ma21;
                      int ma22;
                      int fa20( );

     FIG. 7 is a schematic diagram of the data structure of class A2 that is
generated in a preferred embodiment of the present invention. The data
structure 701 contains the data members ma21 and ma22 of class A2. Since
there is no virtual function member, no virtual function table is needed.
To invoke the function member fa20, the compiler generates code to invoke
the function directly, rather than indirectly through a virtual function
directly, rather than indirectly through a virtual function table.

     Class B2 defined below is an example of a derived class with virtual
function members and with no base class having virtual function members.

TBL  ______________________________________
             class B2 : A2
              {           int mb21;
                  virtual int fb21( );
                  virtual int fb22( );
                  virtual int fb23( );

     FIG. 8 is a schematic diagram of the data structure 801, the virtual
function table 802, and the function members 803, 804, 805 of class B2
that are generated in a preferred embodiment of the present invention. The
data structure 801 contains the virtual function table pointer B2::vfptr
for class B2, an occurrence of the data structure 805 of class A2, and the
data member B2::mb21. Since class B2 has no non-virtual base class with a
virtual table pointer, it has its own virtual table pointer (B2::vfptr).
Class B2 also has its own virtual function table 802, which contains the
addresses of the virtual function members 803, 804, 805 introduced in
class B2.

     Class A3 defined below is an example of a primary class with a non-virtual
function member and virtual function members.

TBL  ______________________________________
             class A3
              {           int ma31;
                          int ma32;
                          int fa30( );
                  virtual int fa31( );
                  virtual int fa32( );

     FIG. 9 is a schematic diagram of the data structure 901, the virtual
function table 902, and the function members 903, 904 of class A3 that are
generated in a preferred embodiment of the present invention. The data
structure 901 contains the virtual function table pointer A3::vfptr and
data members A3::ma31 and A3::ma32. The virtual function table 902
contains the addresses of the virtual functions A3::fa31 903 and A3::fa32

     Class C1 defined below is an example of a derived class with two
non-virtual base classes each having an associated virtual function table.
The virtual function member fa11 of class C1 overrides the virtual
function member fa11 of base class A1 and virtual function member fa32 of
class C1 overrides the virtual function member fa32 of base class A3.

TBL  ______________________________________
             class C1 : A1, A3
              {           int mc11;
                          int mc12;
                          int fc10( );
                  virtual int fa11( );
                  virtual int fa32( );
                  virtual int fc11( );

     FIG. 10 is a schematic diagram of the data structure 1001, the virtual
function tables 1002, 1003, and the function members 1004, 1005, 1006,
1008, 1009 of class C1 that are generated in a preferred embodiment of the
present invention. The data structure 1001 contains an occurrence of the
data structures 1011, 1012 for base classes A1 and A3 and the data members
mc11 and mc12 of class C1. Because class C1 has a non-virtual base class
that has a virtual function table pointer, class C1 shares the virtual
function table pointer (A1::vfptr) with the left-most of such base class,
that is, class A1. The compiler qenerates two virtual function tables
1002, 1003 for class C1. The virtual function table 1002 contains the
addresses for the function members associated with class A1 and for the
function members introduced by class C1. The other virtual function table
1003 contains the addresses of the virtual function members associated
with class A3. The compiler initializes the virtual function table 1002
for classes A1 and C1 with the address of function C1::fa11 1004, which
overrides function A1::fa11 1007, the address of function A1::fa12 1008,
which is not overridden, and the address of function C1::fc11 1005, which
is a virtual function introduced in class C1. The compiler initializes the
virtual function table 1003 for class A3 with the addresses of the
function A3::fa31 1009, which is not overridden, and the address of the
function C1::fa32 1006, which overrides function A3::fa32 1010.

     Class A4 defined below is an example of a primary class with a virtual
function member that has the same name fa11 as a virtual function member
of class A1.

TBL  ______________________________________
             class A4
              {           int ma41;
                          int ma42;
                          int fa40( );
                  virtual int fa11( );
                  virtual int fa42( );

     FIG. 11 is a schematic diagram of the data structure 1101, the virtual
function table 1102, and the function members 1103, 1104 of class A4 that
are generated in a preferred embodiment of the present invention. The data
structure contains the virtual function table pointer A4::vfptr and data
members A4::ma41 and A4::ma42. The virtual function table 1102 contains
the addresses of the virtual functions A4::fa11 1103 and A4::fa42 1104.

     Class C0 defined below is an example of a derived class with a virtual
function member that overrides a virtual function member in two different
base classes. Base classes A1 and A4 each have a virtual function member
named fa11. Class C0 also has a virtual function member named fa11, which
overrides the corresponding function members in the base classes A1 and
A4. Class C0 has virtual function member fa42, which overrides a virtual
function member of class A4. Class C0 is an example of the first case, as
described above, in which an adjustor is needed when a function member
overrides a function member that is defined in more than one base class.

TBL  ______________________________________
             class C0 : A1, A4
              {           int mc01;
                          int mc02;
                          int fc00( );
                  virtual int fa11( );
                  virtual int fa42( );
                  virtual int fc01( );

     FIG. 12 is a schematic diagram of the data structure 1201, the virtual
function tables 1202, 1203, and the function members 1204, 1205, 1207 of
class C0 that are generated in a preferred embodiment of the present
invention. The data structure 1201 and the virtual function tables 1202,
1203 are similar to those generated for class C1. The main difference is
that virtual function fa11 overrides a function in two base classes. The
virtual function table 1202 for classes A1 and C0 contains the address of
the overriding virtual function C0::fa11. However, the virtual function
table 1203 for the occurrence 1213 of class A4 contains the address of an
adjustor 1206. The adjustor 1206 adjusts the this pointer and then jumps
to function C0::fa11 1204.

     The adjustor 1206 is needed because the function C0::fa11 1204 is compiled
expecting that the this pointer, which is passed as a hidden argument,
points to the address of a class C0 object. If function C0::fa11 1204 is
invoked for an object of type class C0, then the this pointer points to
the address of the object, which is the address of the shared virtual
function table pointer A1::vfptr. This is the address that function
C0:fa11 1204 expects. Similarly, if function C0::fa11 1204 in invoked for
an object of type class A1 that has been type cast from an object of type
class C0, then the this pointer contains the address of the occurrence
1212 of class A1 in an object of type class C0. This again is the address
that function C0::fa11 1204 expects. However, if function C0::fa11 1204 is
invoked for an object of type class A4 that has been type cast from an
object of type class C0, then the this pointer contains the address of the
occurrence 1213 of class A4 in an object of type class C0. Since function
C0::fa11 1204 expects a different this pointer value, the adjustor 1206 is
used to adjust the this pointer from the address of the occurrence 1213 of
class A4 to the address of class C0. This adjustment is known at compile
time. Thus, the compiler generates the following code for the adjustor

 this -=dA4;

 go to C0::fa11;

The constant dA4 represents the difference between the address of class C0
and the address of the occurrence 1213 of class A4 in class C0.

     Conversely, no adjustor is needed for function C0::fa42 1207, which is
invoked through the virtual function table 1203 associated with the
occurrence 1213 of class A4 in class C0. The function C0::fa42 1207 is
compiled expecting that the this pointer points to the address of the
occurrence 1213 class A4 in class C0. Whenever the compiler generates a
call to function C0::fa42 1207 for an object of type class C0, the
compiler sets the this pointer to the address of the occurrence 1213 of
class A4 in class C0. If function C0::fa42 1207 is invoked with an object
of type class A4 that is type cast from an object of class C0, then the
compiler sets the this pointer equal to the address of the occurrence 1213
of class A4. This is the address that function C0::fa42 1207 expects.
Again, no adjustor is needed. Functions A1::fa11 1208, A4::fa11 1210, and
A4::fa42 1211 are overridden by the functions declared in class C0.

     Class C2 defined below is an example of a derived class with multiple
occurrences of class A1 in the inheritance tree. Class C2 has function
fa12, which overrides the function of the same name in both occurrences of
class A1. Class C2 is another example of the first case, as described
above, in which an adjustor is needed when a function member overrides a
function member that is defined in more than one base class, in this
example two occurrences of the same class type.

TBL  ______________________________________
             class C2 : B1, A1
              {           int mc21;
                          int mc22;
                          int fc20( );
                  virtual int fa12( );
                  virtual int fc21( );
                  virtual int fc22( );

     FIG. 13 is a schematic of the data structure 1301, the virtual function
tables 1302, 1303, and the function members 1304, 1305, 1306 of class C2
that are generated in a preferred embodiment of the present invention. The
data structure 1301 contains an occurrence 1314 of class B1, an occurrence
1315 of class A1, and the data members mc21 and mc22 of class C2. The
occurrence 1314 of class B1 contains an occurrence 1313 of class A1. Thus,
there are two occurrences 1313, 1315 of class A1 within the data structure
1301 for class C2. The virtual function pointer B1::A1::vfptr and the
associated virtual function table 1302 are shared by class C2, by the
occurrence 1314 of class B1, and by the occurrence 1313 of class A1
derived through class B1. That virtual function table 1302 contains the
addresses of the virtual functions 1304, 1305, 1306, 1308, 1309, 1310
defined in classes A1, B1, and C2. The virtual function member A1::fa12
1312 is overridden by virtual function member C2::fa12 1304. However, the
virtual function table 1303 for the occurrence 1315 of class A1 that is
directly inherited contains the address of an adjustor 1307, rather than
the address of the overriding function C2::fa12 1304. The adjustor 1307
adjusts the this pointer and then jumps to function C2::fa12 1304.

     The adjustor 1307 is needed because the function C2::fa12 1304 is compiled
expecting that the this pointer, which is passed as a hidden argument,
contains the address of a class C2 object. If function C2::fa12 1304 is
invoked for an object of type class C2, then the this pointer contains the
address of class C2, which is the address of the shared virtual function
table pointer C1::B1::A1::vfptr. This is the this pointer value that
function C2::fa12 1304 expects. Similarly, if function C2::fa12 1304 is
invoked for an object of type class B1 that has been type cast from an
object of type class C2 or for an object of type class A1 that has been
type cast from an occurrence of class B1 in an object of type class C2,
then the this pointer contains the address of the occurrence of class B1
or occurrence of class A1 in class B1. This again is the this pointer
value that function C2::fa12 1304 expects. However, if function C2::fa12
1304 is invoked for an object of type class A1 that has been type cast
directly from an object of class C2, which is the occurrence 1315 of class
A1 in class C2 that is inherited directly, then the this pointer contains
the address of the second occurrence 1315 of class A1 in an object of type
class C2. But function C2::fa12 1304 expects a different this pointer
value. The adjustor 1307 is used to adjust the this pointer value from the
address of the second occurrence 1315 of class A1 to the address of class
C2. This adjustment value is static and known at compile time. Thus, the
compiler generates the following adjustor.

 this -=dA1;

 goto C2::fa12;

The constant dA1 represents the difference between th address of class C2
and the address of the second occurrence 1315 of class A1 in class C2.

     Class B3 defined below is an example of a derived class that virtually
inherits base class A1. Class B3 also has a virtual function B3::fa11 that
overrides a virtual function member of class A1.

TBL  ______________________________________
             class B3 : virtual A1
              {           int mb31;
                  virtual int fa11( );
                  virtual int fb31( );
                  virtual int fb32( );

     FIG. 14 is a schematic diagram of the data structure 1401, the virtual
function tables 1402, 1404, the virtual base table 1403, and the function
members 1405, 1406, 1407 of class B3 in a preferred embodiment of the
present invention. The data structure 1401 contains the virtual function
table pointer B3::vfptr and the virtual base table pointer B3::vbptr for
class B3, the data member B3::mb31 for class B3, and an occurrence 1410 of
the data structure for virtual base class A1. Class B3 does not share the
virtual function table pointer with base class A1 because base class A1 is
virtually inherited. Because class B3 does not share a virtual function
table, the compiler generates a class B3 virtual function table 1402 for
class B3. The occurrence 1410 of class A1 also has its own virtual
function table 1404. Since virtual function member B3::fa11 1407 overrides
virtual function member A1::fa11 1408, the compiler stores the address of
the overriding function B3::fa11 1407 in the virtual function table 1404
for class A1. The virtual function table 1404 for class A1 also contains
the address of function A1::fa12 1409, which is not overridden. The
virtual base table 1403 contains the offset of the occurrence 1410 of
class A1 in class B3, which is a constant that is known at compile time.
Functions B3::fa11 1407, B3::fb31 1405, and B3::fb32 1406, are compiled to
access the occurrence 1410 of class A1 in class B3 through the virtual
base table 1403. Although function B3::fa11 1407 could be compiled to
access the occurrence 1410 of class A1 in class B3 based on the this
pointer, if class B3 is inherited by another class (case two as described
above), the adjusted this pointer does not point to the virtual function
pointer for class A1.

     Class C3 defined below is an example of a derived class that virtually
inherits class A1 twice. Class C3 inherits class A1 directly because it is
a direct base class and indirectly because it is a virtual base class of
direct base class B3. Virtual function member C3::fa12 overrides a
function in class A1, and virtual function member C3::fb32 overrides a
function in class B3.

TBL  ______________________________________
             class C3 : virtual A1, B3
              {           int mc31;
                          int mc32;
                  virtual int fa12( );
                  virtual int fb32( );
                  virtual int fc31( );

     FIG. 15 is a schematic diagram of the data structure 1501, the virtual
function tables 1502, 1504, the virtual base table 1503, and the virtual
function members 1505, 1506, 1508 of class C3 in a preferred embodiment of
the present invention. The data structure 1501 contains an occurrence 1514
of the data structure of class B3, the data members mc31 and mc32 of class
C3, and an occurrence 1515 of the data structure of virtual class A1.
Since class A1 is virtually inherited, the data structure 1501 contains
only one occurrence 1515 of class A1. Since class B3 is a non-virtual
class with a virtual function table pointer, class C3 shares the virtual
function table pointer B3::vfptr and the virtual function table 1502 of
class B3. Virtual function C3::fb32 1505 overrides the function B3::fb32
1511 introduced in class B3. Also, the virtual function table 1502 for
class C3 and B3 contains the address of function C3::fc31 1506, which is
introduced in class C3. The virtual function table 1504 for the occurrence
1515 of class A1 contains two entries. The second entry is the address of
virtual function C3::fa12 1508, which is defined in class C3 and overrides
function A1::fa12 1513 defined in class A1. Function C3::fa12 1508 is
compiled expecting that the this pointer contains the address of the
occurrence 1515 of class A1 within an object of type class C3. Function
C3::fa12 1508 determines the address of the class C3 object in which class
A1 object occurs by subtracting the constant dvA1', which is known at
compile time, from the this pointer. Function C3::fa12 1508 accesses the
data members in the occurrence 1515 of class A1 through the virtual base
table. The first entry of the virtual function table 1504 for the
occurrence 1515 of class A1 contains the address of an adjustor 1507. As
discussed above, function B3::fa11 1509 is compiled expecting the this
pointer to be the address Of the occurrence 1515 of class A1. Function
B3::fa11 1509 also expects that the address of the class B3 object to be
the constant distance dvA1 (not dvA1'), as shown in FIG. 14, from the
value in the this pointer. However, the occurrence 1515 of class A1 in
class C3 is different constant difference from the occurrence of class B3
in class C3. Thus, the compiler generates the following adjustor.

 this -=dvB3

 go to B3::fa11

The constant dvB3 represents the difference between dvA1 and dvA1'.
Function B3::fa11 1509 adjusts the this pointer by the constant dvA1 to
determine the address of the occurrence of class B3. Thus, the adjustor
associated with the class C3 object adjusts the this pointer by dvB3,
which leaves the adjusted this pointer value such that when the function
B3::fa11 1509 subtracts the constant dvA1 it arrives at the correct
address of the occurrence of class B3 within class C3. Since function
B3::fa11 1509 is compiled to access the occurrence of class A1 through a
virtual base table, the function works correctly with the adjusted this
pointer. The virtual base table 1503 contains the offset (dvA1') of the
occurrence 1515 of class A1 in class C3.

     Although the methods and systems of the present invention have been
disclosed and described herein primarily with respect to preferred
embodiments designed to be used in a compiler for a C++ programming
language, the invention is not intended to be limited by such embodiments.
Rather, the present invention is intended to include all legally
equivalent embodiments including those designed for use with other
programming languages which implement virtual functions or virtual base

CLMS  Claims
STM     Claim Statement:   What is claimed is:
NUM     Claim Number:    1.

     1. A computer-implemented method for implementing virtual functions for an
object-oriented programming language, the programming language having
classes, each class defined in terms of base classes and function members,
each function member defined as either virtual or non-virtual, each
function member when invoked being passed a third pointer, wherein each
class that introduces a virtual function member has an associated virtual
function table and a virtual function table pointer, the virtual function
tables having pointers to the virtual functions defined in the associated
class, the method comprising the computer-implemented steps of:

 (a) inputting into the computer system a class definition for a specified
  class wherein the specified class has a virtual function that overrides a
  virtual function in at least two base classes, each of such base classes
  having an associated virtual function table;

 (b) creating a data structure layout for the specified class wherein the
  data structure layout contains an occurrence of each base class, the
  occurrences containing a virtual function table pointer for the associated
  virtual function table, the data structure layout having a class address;

 (c) creating a copy of the virtual function table for each of such base

 (d) compiling the overriding virtual function to expect the this pointer to
  point to the occurrence in the specified class of a designated base class
  that is at an offset from the class address;

 (e) overriding the pointer to the virtual function in the virtual function
  table associated with the designated base class with a pointer to the
  compiled overriding virtual function; and

 (f) for each non-designating base class with the overridden virtual

 generating an adjustor to adjust the this pointer and then invoke the
  compiled overriding function, and

 overriding the pointer to the virtual function in the virtual function
  table associated with the non-designated class with a pointer to the
NUM     Claim Number:    2.

     2. The method of claim 1 wherein an inheritance tree defines the ancestral
relationship among the base classes and the specified class and wherein
the designated class is the first non-virtual base class having the
overridden function that is visited in a depth-first, left-to-right
traversal of the inheritance tree.
NUM     Claim Number:    3.

     3. A method in a computer system for compiling a definition of a derived
class, the derived class having a plurality of base classes, the derived
class having an overriding virtual function member that overrides a
virtual function member of a base class, the method comprising the
computer-implemented steps of:

 generating a class data structure layout for the derived class to contain
  an occurrence of each base class, the class data structure layout having a
  class address, the occurrence of the base class having the overridden
  virtual function member being offset from the class address;

 compiling the overriding virtual function member to access a member of the
  derived class based on a passed pointer that points to the occurrence
  within the class data structure layout of the base class having the
  overridden virtual function member; and

 compiling each invocation of the overriding virtual function member to pass
  a pointer that points to the occurrence within the class data structure
  layout of the base class having the overridden virtual function whereby
  when invoking the compiled overriding virtual function member, the passed
  pointer is not adjusted.
NUM     Claim Number:    4.

     4. The method of claim 3 wherein the step of compiling each invocation
includes storing the passed pointer as a this pointer.
NUM     Claim Number:    5.

     5. The method of claim 3 wherein the step of compiling the overriding
virtual function member compiles access to the member of the derived class
through the passed pointer that is passed as a this pointer.
NUM     Claim Number:    6.

     6. A method in a computer system for compiling a definition of a derived
class, the derived class having a plurality of base classes, the derived
class having an overriding virtual function member that overrides a
virtual function member of a base class, the derived class having a
non-overriding virtual function member, the method comprising the
computer-implemented steps of:

 generating a class data structure layout for the derived class that
  contains an occurrence of each base class;

 designating a class address within the class data structure layout, wherein
  the occurrence of the base class that contains the overridden virtual
  function member is offset from the class address;

 compiling the non-overriding virtual function member to access a member of
  the derived class based on a passed pointer that points to the class
  address within the class data structure layout;

 compiling the overriding virtual function member to access a member of the
  derived class based on a passed pointer that points to the occurrence
  within the class data structure layout of the base class having the
  overridden virtual function member;

 compiling each invocation of the non-overriding virtual function member to
  pass a pointer that points to the class address within the class data
  structure layout; and

 compiling each invocation of the overriding virtual function member to pass
  a pointer that points to the occurrence within the class data structure
  layout of the base class having the overridden virtual function.
NUM     Claim Number:    7.

     7. A method in a computer system for compiling a definition of a derived
class, the derived class having base classes, the derived class having an
overriding virtual function member that overrides a virtual function
member of two base classes, the overriding virtual function member for
accessing a member of the derived class, the method comprising the
computer-implemented steps of:

 generating a data structure for the derived class to contain an occurrence
  of each base class, the data structure having a class address, the
  occurrences of each base class that contains the overridden virtual
  function members being offset from the class address;

 designating one of the two base classes that contain the overridden virtual
  function members as an introducing class of the overridden virtual
  function member and the other of the two base classes that contain the
  overridden virtual function member as a non-introducing base class;

 compiling the overriding virtual function member to access members of the
  derived class using a passed pointer that points to the occurrence of the
  introducing class within the data structure;

 compiling each invocation of the overriding virtual function member for the
  introducing to pass a pointer that points to the occurrence within the
  data structure of the introducing class;

 compiling each invocation of the overriding virtual function for the
  non-introducing class to pass a pointer that points to the occurrence
  within the data structure of the non-introducing class; and

 generating an adjustor thunk to adjust the pointer passed to the overriding
  virtual function member for the non-introducing base class to point to the
  occurrence within the data structure of the introducing class so that the
  overriding virtual function member is effectively passed a pointer to the
  introducing class.
NUM     Claim Number:    8.

     8. The method of claim 7 wherein the step of designating an introducing
class designates the first non-virtual base class having the overridden
virtual function member that is visited in a depth-first, left-to-right
traversal of an inheritance tree formed by the base classes.
NUM     Claim Number:    9.

     9. A method in a computer system for generating computer code to invoke an
overriding virtual function member and an non-overriding virtual function
member of a derived class, the derived class inheriting a base class
having a virtual function member that is overridden by the overriding
virtual function member of the derived class, the derived class having a
member, the method comprising the computer-implemented steps of:

 generating a class layout for the derived class, the class layout having a
  class address;

 compiling the non-overriding virtual function member of the derived class
  to access the member of the derived class using a passed pointer to the
  class address;

 compiling the overriding virtual function member of the derived class to
  access the member of the derived class using a passed pointer does not
  point to the class address;

 compiling code to invoke the non-overriding virtual function member of the
  derived class to pass a pointer to the class address; and

 compiling code to invoke the overriding virtual function member of the
  derived class to pass a pointer that does not point to the class address.
NUM     Claim Number:    10.

     10. The method of claim 9 wherein the step of generating the class layout
includes allocating an occurrence of the base class within the class
layout that is offset from the class address.
NUM     Claim Number:    11.

     11. The method of claim 10 wherein the pointer that does not point to the
class address points to the occurrence of the base class.
NUM     Claim Number:    12.

     12. The method of claim 9 including the steps of:

 generating a virtual function table for the derived class, storing an
  indicator of the non-overriding virtual function member in the virtual
  table for the derived class, and compiling the invocation of the
  non-overriding virtual function member to access the non-overriding
  virtual function member through the virtual function table for the derived
  class; and

 generating a virtual function table for the base class, storing an
  indicator of the overriding virtual function member in the virtual
  function table of the base class, and compiling the invocation of the
  overriding virtual function member to access the overriding virtual
  function member through the virtual function table for the base class.
NUM     Claim Number:    13.

     13. The method of claim 12 wherein the step of generating the class layout
includes allocating an occurrence of the base class within the class
layout that is offset from the class address.
NUM     Claim Number:    14.

     14. The method of claim 13 where the pointer that does not point to the
class address points to the occurrence of the base class.
NUM     Claim Number:    15.

     15. A method in a computer system for accessing a member of an instance of
a derived class during execution of an overriding virtual function member
of the derived class, the derived class inheriting base classes, the
instance having an occurrence of each base class, the instance having a
class address, the overriding virtual function member overriding a virtual
function member of a base class with an occurrence at an offset from the
class address, the method comprising the computer-implemented steps of:

 retrieving from a virtual function table associated with the base class a
  pointer to the overriding virtual function member;

 setting a this pointer to point to the occurrence of the base class within
  the derived class;

 transferring control to the overriding virtual function member without
  adjusting the this pointer; and

 during execution of the overriding virtual function member, addressing the
  member of the instance based on the this pointer.
NUM     Claim Number:    16.

     16. A method in a computer system for accessing a member of an instance of
a derived class during execution of an overriding virtual function member
of the derived class and during execution of a non-overriding virtual
function of the derived class, the derived class inheriting base classes,
the instance having an occurrence of each base class, the instance having
a class address, the overriding virtual function member overriding a
virtual function member of a base class with an occurrence within the
instance at an offset from the class address, the method comprising the
computer-implemented steps of:

 retrieving from a virtual function table associated with the occurrence of
  the base class a pointer to the overriding virtual function member;
  setting a this pointer to point to the occurrence of the base class within
  the derived class; transferring control to the overriding virtual function
  member based on the retrieved pointer without adjusting the this pointer;
  and during execution of the overriding virtual function member, addressing
  the member of the instance based on the this pointer; and

 retrieving from a virtual function table associated with the derived class
  a pointer to the non-overriding virtual function member; setting a this
  pointer to point to the class address; transferring control to the
  overriding virtual function member based on the retrieved pointer without
  adjusting the this pointer; and during the execution of the overriding
  virtual function member, addressing the member of the instance based on
  the this pointer.
NUM     Claim Number:    17.

     17. A computer system for accessing a member of an instance of a derived
class during execution of an overriding virtual function member of the
derived class, the derived class inheriting base classes, the instance
having an occurrence of each base class, the instance having a class
address, the overriding virtual function member overriding a virtual
function member of a base class with an occurrence at an offset from the
class address, the computer system comprising:

 means for retrieving from a virtual function table associated with the base
  class a pointer to the overriding virtual function member;

 means for setting a this pointer to point to the occurrence of the base
  class within the derived class;

 means for transferring control to the overriding virtual function member
  without adjusting the this pointer; and

 means for addressing the member of the instance based on the this pointer
  during execution of the overriding virtual function member.
NUM     Claim Number:    18.

     18. A computer system for accessing a member of an instance of a derived
class during execution of an overriding virtual function member of the
derived class and during execution of a non-overriding virtual function of
the derived class, the derived class inheriting base classes, the instance
having an occurrence of each base class, the instance having a class
address, the overriding virtual function member overriding a virtual
function member of a base class with an occurrence within the instance at
an offset from the class address, the computer system comprising:

 means for retrieving from a virtual function table associated with the
  occurrence of the base class a pointer to the overriding virtual function
  member; means for setting a this pointer to point to the occurrence of the
  base class within the derived class; means for transferring control to the
  overriding virtual function member based on the retrieved pointer without
  adjusting the this pointer; and means for, during execution of the
  overriding virtual function member, addressing the member of the instance
  based on the this pointer; and

 means for retrieving from a virtual function table associated with the
  derived class a pointer to the non-overriding virtual function member;
  means for setting a this pointer to point to the class address; means for
  transferring control to the overriding virtual function member based on
  the retrieved pointer without adjusting the this pointer; and means for,
  during the execution of the overriding virtual function member, addressing
  the member of the instance based on the this pointer.
NUM     Claim Number:    19.

     19. A computer system for generating computer code to invoke an overriding
virtual function member and an non-overriding virtual function member of a
derived class, the derived class inheriting a base class having a virtual
function member that is overridden by the overriding virtual function
member of the derived class, the derived class having a member, the
computer system comprising:

 means for generating a class layout for the derived class, the class layout
  having a class address;

 means for compiling the non-overriding virtual function member of the
  derived class to access the member of the derived class using a passed
  pointer to the class address;

 means for compiling the overriding virtual function member of the derived
  class to access the member of the derived class using a passed pointer
  does not point to the class address;

 means for compiling code to invoke the non-overriding virtual function
  member of the derived class to pass a pointer to the class address; and

 means for compiling code to invoke the overriding virtual function member
  of the derived class to pass a pointer that does not point to the class

Author: Thomas Holaday <tholaday>
Date: 1995/04/17
Raw View (Jonathan Hutchinson) wrote:
>I am curious about the relaxation of rules for virtual
>functions. Perhaps someone could expand a bit? It would be much

Two new words entered my vocabulary with this issue: "covariance" and
"contravariance."  They have to do with the relationship between the types
of arguments, return values, and member functions.


struct Fruit  { virtual Fruit * cloneMe(); /* ... */ } ;
struct Apple
:public Fruit {         Apple * cloneMe(); /* ... */ } ;

extern ffn(Fruit *); // uses only Fruit::methods
extern afn(Apple *); // uses additional Apple::methods

void fn()
 Apple *aap = new Apple;
 Apple *acp = aap->cloneMe();
 Fruit *fap = aap->cloneMe(); // okay, Apple * compatible
 afn(fap); // compile-time error even though we can see its safe

As the type of the object becomes more-derived, the type of the return value
of its methods may safely become more-derived as well.  This is covariance.
C++ supports covariance.

It turns out that as the type of the object becomes more-derived, the type of
the arguments to its methods may become less derived.  For example, an Apple
method taking an Apple * could safely be overridden by a Delicious::method
taking a Fruit *.  This is contravariance.  Contravariance was not added to

A Fruit::method taking a Fruit * can not be safely overridden by an
Apple::method taking an Apple *; nor could a Delicious::method returning a
Fruit * safely override an Apple::method returning an Apple *.

~THol()                            Thomas Holaday

Author: Michael Cook <>
Date: 1995/04/17
Raw View
>>>>> "b91926" == David Sachs <> writes:

 b91926> The current version of C++ allows the following extension: If a
 b91926> virtual function in a base class returns a pointer (or reference)
 b91926> to a classo, then the same virtual function in a derived
 b91926> class may return a pointer/reference to a class derived from the
 b91926> class returned by the base class function.

How is this feature implementable?

If my B::f() returns a B* but the D::f() returns a D*, if I invoke b->f() and
the f() actually ends up being D::f(), the code might need to adjust the
returned pointer value, but otherwise the pointer would not have to be

I suppose the D::f() could generate code to return a B*.  Then if I were to
invoke d->f(), the compiler could do the downcast implicitly safely...usually.
Is D required to be unambiguously derived from B?


Author: (Jason Merrill)
Date: 1995/04/18
Raw View
>>>>> Michael Cook <> writes:

> I suppose the D::f() could generate code to return a B*.  Then if I were
> to invoke d->f(), the compiler could do the downcast implicitly
> safely...usually.

I think Microsoft has a patent on that technique...but perhaps their patent
only applies to adjusting 'this', not the return value.  Grumble grumble.

> Is D required to be unambiguously derived from B?



Author: (David Sachs)
Date: 1995/04/13
Raw View (Jonathan Hutchinson) writes:

>I am curious about the relaxation of rules for virtual
>functions. Perhaps someone could expand a bit? It would be much

Originally overriding virtual functions were required to return
exactly the same type as the overriddent funtion in the base
class. This was a reasonable rule, but it was very awkward in
some cases.

The current version of C++ allows the following extension: If a
virtual function in a base class returns a pointer (or reference)
to a classo, then the same virtual function in a derived
class may return a pointer/reference to a class derived from the
class returned by the base class function.

The base and derived classes containing the virtual functions are
NOT required to be the same as the base and derived classes returned
by these functions.

The most common usage of this feature is to allow the virtual
functions to return this (pointer to self) or *this (reference to
self), with the proper types.

Author: (Jonathan Hutchinson)
Date: 1995/04/12
Raw View
Steve Clamage (clamage@Eng.Sun.COM) wrote:

: Probably he was confused about the relaxation of rules for virtual functions,
: which has nothing to do with overloaded functions.

I am curious about the relaxation of rules for virtual
functions. Perhaps someone could expand a bit? It would be much

: ---
: Steve Clamage,

Jonathan Hutchinson,

Author: (Trent Glascock)
Date: 1995/04/04
Raw View
Recently a vendor was explaining overloaded functions in C++ to a large group.
He stated that the following two functions could be overloaded:

   int foo();
   void foo();

A couple of us in the room who knew C++ both said, no, that they functions
can't only differ by return type.  He said it was his "understanding" that
functions that only differed by return type would be a part of the ANSI
standard.  My question is, is this guy right or is he just trying to cover

Trent Glascock

Author: clamage@Eng.Sun.COM (Steve Clamage)
Date: 1995/04/04
Raw View
In article, (Trent Glascock) writes:
>Recently a vendor was explaining overloaded functions in C++ to a large group.
>He stated that the following two functions could be overloaded:
>   int foo();
>   void foo();
>A couple of us in the room who knew C++ both said, no, that they functions
>can't only differ by return type.  He said it was his "understanding" that
>functions that only differed by return type would be a part of the ANSI
>standard.  My question is, is this guy right or is he just trying to cover

Probably he was confused about the relaxation of rules for virtual functions,
which has nothing to do with overloaded functions.

You are correct in that overloaded functions cannot differ only in their
return types; the parameter lists must differ in certain ways. This rule
will not change.

Steve Clamage,

Author: (Valery CROIZIER)
Date: 1995/04/04
Raw View
In article <3lrgve$> (Trent Glascock) writes:

> Recently a vendor was explaining overloaded functions in C++ to a large group.
> He stated that the following two functions could be overloaded:
>    int foo();
>    void foo();

 For sure, your vendor were wrong.
If you define these functions , there is no way for the compiler to know
which function he must call if you call the foo() function in your program.

And your compiler MUST reject you, like mine :
int foo();
void foo();

g++ new declaration `void foo()' ambiguates old declaration `int foo()' conflicting types for `void foo()' previous declaration as `int foo()'

// valery

Author: Michael Cook <>
Date: 1995/04/05
Raw View
>>>>> "glascock" == Trent Glascock <> writes:

 glascock> A couple of us in the room who knew C++ both said, no, that they
 glascock> functions can't only differ by return type.  He said it was his
 glascock> "understanding" that functions that only differed by return type
 glascock> would be a part of the ANSI standard.  My question is, is this guy
 glascock> right or is he just trying to cover himself?

He may only be confused, or perhaps you three were miscommunicating.  In D&E,
$13.7 "Relaxation of Overriding Rules", <bs> talks about how you can have a
B::mf() that returns a particular type, and then have the D::mf() return a
different type.

So, perhaps the instructor mistook "overriding" for "overloading".
