Topic: What does "this" << "that return to cout?
Author: (Fergus Henderson)
Date: 1995/04/04 Raw View (Phil Kan) writes:
>I'm new to the language (after years of C), so please bear with me.
>I understand that the construct:
>cout << "string " << function_returning_string() << " string";
>it is evaluated as
>cout << "string " << (function_returning_string() << " string");
>Is this correct?
No. It gets parsed as
((cout << "string ") << function_returning_string()) << " string";
Each of the bracketed expressions returns an `ostream &' which refers
to `cout'.
Fergus Henderson -
Date: 1995/03/31 Raw View
PK cout << "string " << function_returning_string() << " string";
It can be any type that the compiler supports. That is the power of
cout. It allows for any input to be sent. You can say cout << 89567;
without a problem.
This allows you to do things like:
cout << "The date to day is " << Mday << " of " << Mmonth << "," << Myear;
Hope that helps.
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| Barry Pryde - Systems Development: London Telecom Network |
| SYSOP: London Telecom BBS |
| E-Mail: |
... I distinctly remember forgetting that!
TLX v4.10
* 1st 2.00d #1981s * London Telecom BBS (905-570-8956 Hamilton, Ont, Canada)
Author: (Phil Kan)
Date: 1995/03/31 Raw View
Yo all...
I'm new to the language (after years of C), so please bear with me.
I understand that the construct:
cout << "string " << function_returning_string() << " string";
it is evaluated as
cout << "string " << (function_returning_string() << " string");
Is this correct? If so, what does the first evaluated (the bit
inside the brackets) expression return? Is it a char *, const char *,
or something else?
thanx for all responses.
Email or post is fine,
Phil Kan.
Author: (Russell Blackadar)
Date: 1995/03/31 Raw View
Phil Kan ( wrote:
: Yo all...
: I'm new to the language (after years of C), so please bear with me.
: I understand that the construct:
: cout << "string " << function_returning_string() << " string";
: it is evaluated as
: cout << "string " << (function_returning_string() << " string");
: Is this correct? If so, what does the first evaluated (the bit
: inside the brackets) expression return? Is it a char *, const char *,
: or something else?
It's not correct; exactly as in C, >> associates left-to-right.
Unless you have a very strange string class, the expression in
parentheses will not even compile. (You'd need a string::operator<<
that takes a const char* argument; what would that mean? And if by
string you mean char*, it would be impossible.)
Without the parentheses, the type is ostream&, as defined in
: thanx for all responses.
You're welcome.
: Email or post is fine,
: TC&GB,
: Phil Kan.
Author: (Lee Sailer)
Date: 1995/03/31 Raw View
In article <3lfqqg$>, Phil Kan ( wrote:
> Yo all...
> I'm new to the language (after years of C), so please bear with me.
> I understand that the construct:
> cout << "string " << function_returning_string() << " string";
> it is evaluated as
> cout << "string " << (function_returning_string() << " string");
> Is this correct? If so, what does the first evaluated (the bit
No. << evaluates from left to right.
(cout << "string ") << function_returning_string() << " string";
which is why the first << returns cout.
> inside the brackets) expression return? Is it a char *, const char *,
> or something else?
> thanx for all responses.
> Email or post is fine,
> TC&GB,
> Phil Kan.
Author: (Bernd Eggink)
Date: 1995/03/31 Raw View
Phil Kan ( wrote:
> Yo all...
> I'm new to the language (after years of C), so please bear with me.
> I understand that the construct:
> cout << "string " << function_returning_string() << " string";
> it is evaluated as
> cout << "string " << (function_returning_string() << " string");
> Is this correct? If so, what does the first evaluated (the bit
> inside the brackets) expression return? Is it a char *, const char *,
> or something else?
No. operator<< associates left to right. The expression is evaluated as
((cout << "string") << function_returning_string()) << "string";
The return type of ostream::operator<<(whatever) is ostream& .
| Bernd Eggink |
| Rechenzentrum Uni Hamburg |
| |