Topic: Solving Karnaugh Maps with C++
Author: (Marian Corcoran)
Date: 30 Mar 1995 04:42:38 GMT Raw View
>In <3l0f0g$> COATES@EUROPA.UMUC.EDU (Ell) writes:
>>In <3l08rl$> writes:
>>> Karnaugh maps are kind of a visual, intuitive implementation of the
>>> same basics that underlie the Quine-Mclkesky (sp?) procedure for
>>> minimization.. The Quine-Mclesky procedure is more suited to
>>>translation into algorithms. There is pseudocode in almost every
>>>digital design book for quine-mclesky. check it out
>>> ___________________________________________________________
>>> Jon Gamble: lowly CS student UAH
>>Karnaugh maps transform a set of logical input values into logical
>>output values based on the configuration of the intervening logic
>>circuitry. They simplify and transform minterms and maxterms into
>>a logical solution.
I checked with Maurice Karnaugh and he says he thinks that Jon Gamble is
correct. He says one might try to simulate human problem solving
behavior and use Karnaugh maps, but he does not recommend it. Actually
he expressed the latter in far more humorous terms, but I think you get
the idea.