Topic: Please Help with WinG...

Author: Athos <>
Date: 24 Mar 1995 05:22:39 GMT
Raw View
> From: quenti_g@argon (gaetan quentin)
>   how does work delphi? does it use  something like *.lib like in c++?

WinG will not work with Delphi until the 32-bit version of Delphi is released (the date for
which has not been announced.)  I suppose you could build a 32-16 thunk layer for WinG on NT,
but the work entailed by that idea would probably defeat the purpose of using Delphi for the
project in the first place.

>  in c++, with borland for example, you must make implib wing.dll wing.lib
> to have the lib to link in your projetc. the *.h files are provided by microsoft.

Not true if you have Borland C++ 4.5.  It comes will all necessary libraries and header files
to use WinG in 32-bit C++ applications.
