Topic: searching: exercises + solutions in C++
Author: (Martin Geschka)
Date: 24 Mar 1995 06:44:00 +0100 Raw View
Hello dear reader of this posting,
I am a teacher for informatics at a secundary school of Dortmund, Germany.
One of my subjects is programming in C++. But the problem is:
I do not know any bunch of small programming exercises + solutions in C++
to feed my pupils !
In that way every exercise I have to work out by myself. This job is rather
creative but I feel myself like the nowadays inventor of the wheel.
Do you can tell me a source of the subject I told above? Any Informations
are welcome and will be answered with a nice PM. Do remember the times,
you have been an absolute beginner and not a professional or selfmade
specialist like now, discussing at this corner with other specialists.
I start the queue with the only books I have. If the list will grow to
more then 10 entries, I will sort and post it to the educational corner
to other collegues.
(1) Kernighan/Ritchie: Programming with (Ansi) C,
M nchen, Hanser, 1990,, 2nd edition
(Quiet good but too less examples and exercises)
(2) Baumann/L schow: Die Programmiersprache C,
Mannheim, Wien, Z rich, BI-Wissenschafts-Verlag, 1990
(the same like 1)
(3) Kirch-Prinz/Prinz: C f r PC's,
Vaterstaetten, IWT, 1993, 6th edition
(very good book, but I need more exercises!)
Thanks a lot and looking forward to a growing list!
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