Topic: Can someone please help me???

Author: (Benoit Lefebvre)
Date: 16 Mar 1995 19:48:52 GMT
Raw View
I have a big problem with a particular class.  The class is TFileOpenDialog
distributed with Borland C++ 4.5.  We are developping software and made
our custom open dialog box.  I know that we can use by default the dialog box in Windows (and it work) but we have to use our own.  My problem is when we use our
custom dialog box, the member of the struct OpenSaveDialog::Data.Error is filled with 0X3001 when executing the function DoExecute().  The error returned by this function is FNERR_SUBCLASSFAILURE  (Specifies that an attempt to subclass a list box failed due to insufficient memory.)

If you could help me why this error append or tell me that you use this class
witout problem, it would be very appreciated!!!

Benoit Lefebvre ing.stag