Topic: Best Book on C++ ?
Date: 10 Mar 1995 07:44:33 GMT Raw View
In <3jfiu8$>, (Robert M. Wilkinson) writes:
>Someone wrote:
>>I couldn't pick a best book so here are my favorites (in random order)
>>2.) Best Book to learn how to use c++ effectively:
>>"Advanced C++ Programming styles and Idioms", James Coplien, Addison
>>Wesley, 1992
>I would disagree here. Although Coplien's book is excellent, it tends to
>be more advanced than just "using C++ effectively". I would recommend
>Coplien's book after first reading:
>"Effective C++: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs",
>Scott Meyers, Addison-Wesley, 1992
Both of the above books are excellent books indeed. For further reading
I would recommend
"Design Patterns",
E. Gamma, R.Helm, R. Johnson, J.Vlissides, Addison-Wesley, 1995.
This book describes many generic well-structured OO architectures especially
suitable for designing complex software systems.
For basic reference book about C/C++ I would recommend
"C++ How To Program",
H.M. Deitel, P.J.Deitel, Prentice Hall, 1994
Markku Pulkkinen
Martis Oy/Tellabs
Porarinkatu 1
FIN-02600 Espoo
Author: (Robert M. Wilkinson)
Date: 6 Mar 1995 13:06:00 -0500 Raw View
Someone wrote:
>I couldn't pick a best book so here are my favorites (in random order)
>2.) Best Book to learn how to use c++ effectively:
>"Advanced C++ Programming styles and Idioms", James Coplien, Addison
>Wesley, 1992
I would disagree here. Although Coplien's book is excellent, it tends to
be more advanced than just "using C++ effectively". I would recommend
Coplien's book after first reading:
"Effective C++: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs",
Scott Meyers, Addison-Wesley, 1992
Rob Wilkinson
Author: (KorAndBill)
Date: 28 Feb 1995 07:45:26 -0500 Raw View
I couldn't pick a best book so here are my favorites (in random order)
1.) Best Book to learn the language from (to start out):
"C++ Inside and out", Bruce Eckel, McGraw Hill, 1993.
If you don't want to get all 4 books now or you already know the language
you can skip this book. If you are just starting out the Eckel book is
really good, fast reading, and it presents good coverage of some topics
also in the the Coplien book. Knowing the contents of the Eckel book will
make reading the Coplien book much easier.
2.) Best Book to learn how to use c++ effectively:
"Advanced C++ Programming styles and Idioms", James Coplien, Addison
Wesley, 1992
Presents a lot of very good conventions. Helped me to learn to think in
terms of objects. At least skim it cover to cover. And as you learn more
go back and re-read it over. Best chapters 5,8,9,11. I've got the most
daily use of this book and #4.
3.) Best Book for programming guidelines/style and some really good desing
"Taligent's Guide to Designing Programs", Addison Wesley, 1994
This is a really great book it covers alot of design/implementation
problems, issues, and solutions. You really need to read this if you plan
on writing more that 1k lines of code.
4.) Best Reference book:
"The C++ Programming Language", Bjarne Stroustrup, Addison Wesley, 1991
(Look at the copyright to make sure you are getting a recent printing,
within last year)
If you can only get one book get this reference book by Stroustrup; it
will save you lots and lots of time and answer many questions like what
get posted on the newsgroups. Nothing can replace these newsgroups but it
really helps to look in this book first.
Bill Mandel
Author: (Tom Sears)
Date: 1 Mar 1995 17:51:15 GMT Raw View
KorAndBill ( wrote:
: I couldn't pick a best book so here are my favorites (in random order)
<stuff deleted here and there>
: 1.) Best Book to learn the language from (to start out):
: "C++ Inside and out", Bruce Eckel, McGraw Hill, 1993.
: 2.) Best Book to learn how to use c++ effectively:
: "Advanced C++ Programming styles and Idioms", James Coplien, Addison
: Wesley, 1992
: 3.) Best Book for programming guidelines/style and some really good desing
: ideas:
: "Taligent's Guide to Designing Programs", Addison Wesley, 1994
: 4.) Best Reference book:
: "The C++ Programming Language", Bjarne Stroustrup, Addison Wesley, 1991
: Bill Mandel
I like Bill's suggestions. I would also like to add "Effective C++",
Scott Meyers, Addison Wesley,???? to this list. It is my favorite C++
book, although I like the Coplien book a lot also. Your mileage may
Tom Sears
Compuserve, Inc. Compuserve Mail: 70004,1755
5000, Arlington Center Blvd., Columbus, OH 43220 PH: (614)538-3248
Author: (Larry Schrof)
Date: 26 Feb 1995 03:54:33 GMT Raw View
I recommend 'C++ How to Program' by Dietel
I am in a programming class, and we use it. It is verbose, but thouroughly
covers A LOT of material. Will take you from the beginner stages through
well advanced material.
Author: (Thomas Ziegler)
Date: 23 Feb 1995 12:34:15 GMT Raw View
I'm looking for proposals of good books on C++.
I'm not a complete beginner in C++, but i want to
deepen my knowledge.
Any proposals with a short description what is
covered by the book will be welcome.
Thomas Ziegler e-mail:
Am Kappelgarten 16 phone: 06838/7272
66793 Saarwellingen