Topic: VC++ 2.0 16 Bit compiler?

Author: (Magne Ertresvaag)
Date: 28 Feb 1995 23:41:29 +0100
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In <3if4i5$> (Sevenster AS) writes:

>I heard a rumor that you can compile just 32 bit programms for
>Windows.  Is this true or can you compile 16 bit progs for windows.

Yes VC++ 2.0 is a 32 bit compiler for Windows NT and Win95.

>Since Windows is a 16 bit OS (Kind of) does this mean that VC++ can
>just compile progs for Win95 and NT.

There is a 16 bit compiler (VC++ 1.51) on my VC++ 2.0 CD

>Also, can you still compile progs for good old DOS?
So using VC++ 1.51 you can make programs for MS-DOS


Date: Tue, 28 Feb 95 18:58:33 PDT
Raw View
In article <3j08qq$>, <> writes:
> >I heard a rumor that you can compile just 32 bit programms for
> >Windows.  Is this true or can you compile 16 bit progs for windows.
> Yes VC++ 2.0 is a 32 bit compiler for Windows NT and Win95.
> >Since Windows is a 16 bit OS (Kind of) does this mean that VC++ can
> >just compile progs for Win95 and NT.
> There is a 16 bit compiler (VC++ 1.51) on my VC++ 2.0 CD

there is just one clarification I would like to make: with VC++ 2.0
you can compile programs to run under Win32s libraries under Win3.1.
Win32s libraries are available free of charge from Microsoft and
you can distribute them with your app. Win32s gives you flat address
space and structured exception handling. And your program runs under
win3.1 + win32s, win95 and winNT.


standard disclaimer

Author: (Sevenster AS)
Date: 22 Feb 1995 10:44:21 GMT
Raw View
I heard a rumor that you can compile just 32 bit programms for
Windows.  Is this true or can you compile 16 bit progs for windows.
Since Windows is a 16 bit OS (Kind of) does this mean that VC++ can
just compile progs for Win95 and NT.

Also, can you still compile progs for good old DOS?
