Topic: BC 4.02 multi-threading under OS/2 (Warp)
Author: H.T.Hangyi@PPSW.RUG.NL (Henk Hangyi)
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 1995 12:05:12 GMT Raw View
From: Henk Hangyi
Grote Rozenstraat 31
9712 TG Groningen
The Netherlands
fax: 00 31 50 636226
As a dedicated user of Borland C++ 4.02 under MS-windows, I thought to be able to jump forward
to real multi-tasking by switching to OS/2-warp. All seemed to work quite well until I reached the
stage of compiling the example program related to "thread.h". Next to the fact that Borland C++
didn't seem to recognize that it now was working under a true multi-tasking operating system, it
could not find the header file "os2.h". Therefore, I reinstalled Borland C++ hoping that the header
"os2.h" would automatically pop up now, but it didn't work that way. Therefore, I am now stuck
with the following questions:
1. Is the header file "os2.h" all I need, if I want to work with the thread class "thread.h" of
Borland C++ 4.02 under OS/2-warp?
2.If yes, can you tell me how I can get a copy of the header file "os2.h"?
3. If no, what other changes do I need to be able to work with multi-threading under Borland
C++? For instance, do I need other header files, or do I need to install the OS/2 version of Borland
Thanks, for helping me out of this problem!
With regards, Henk Hangyi.