Topic: Static member, private destructor

Author: (Pete Becker)
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 95 08:24:56 PST
Raw View
In article <>,
> (Alan Waldock) writes:
>>I have a class Major that has a static member of type Minor.
>>Minor's destructor is private: Major is a friend of Minor. Viz:
>>class Minor {
>>friend class Major;
>>       ~Minor() {}
>>class Major {
>>       static class Minor;
>>The intent was that clients could access Major::Minor, but not actually
>>instantiate a Minor themselves. And it seemed to work. But now, my
>>compiler complains that ~Minor() is private, and to pacify it, I have
>>to define an empty ~Major(), even though no Major is ever instantiated.
>>No big deal, but my other three compilers don't complain; so can anyone
>>explain why/whether/which is correct?
>It looks to me like your latest compiler is buggy.

 More accurately, it looks like the compiler has a bug. The claim
that it is "buggy" would require more information than this post
 -- Pete

Author: (Fergus Henderson)
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 1995 07:53:22 GMT
Raw View (Alan Waldock) writes:

>I have a class Major that has a static member of type Minor.
>Minor's destructor is private: Major is a friend of Minor. Viz:
>class Minor {
>friend class Major;
> ~Minor() {}
>class Major {
> static class Minor;
>The intent was that clients could access Major::Minor, but not actually
>instantiate a Minor themselves. And it seemed to work. But now, my latest
>compiler complains that ~Minor() is private, and to pacify it, I have had
>to define an empty ~Major(), even though no Major is ever instantiated.
>No big deal, but my other three compilers don't complain; so can anyone
>explain why/whether/which is correct?

It looks to me like your latest compiler is buggy.

Fergus Henderson -
all [L] (programming_language(L), L \= "Mercury") => better("Mercury", L) ;-)

Author: (Alan Waldock)
Date: 15 Feb 1995 16:54:23 -0800
Raw View
I have a class Major that has a static member of type Minor.
Minor's destructor is private: Major is a friend of Minor. Viz:

class Minor {
friend class Major;
 ~Minor() {}

class Major {
 static class Minor;

The intent was that clients could access Major::Minor, but not actually
instantiate a Minor themselves. And it seemed to work. But now, my latest
compiler complains that ~Minor() is private, and to pacify it, I have had
to define an empty ~Major(), even though no Major is ever instantiated.

No big deal, but my other three compilers don't complain; so can anyone
explain why/whether/which is correct? I've tried the ARM, honest!!

-- Alan Waldock, from but not on behalf of Intel Corporation