Topic: HELP! File processing/direct access problem
Author: (Ron Calderon)
Date: 8 Feb 1995 06:50:43 GMT Raw View
Help! I need to know how to do these in C++ for a class
excercise. (I know I'm supposed to do this myself, but I these
involve file-processing, and the class I took that was a pre-
requisite for this class *never* covered *any* file-processing,
and the textbook certainly was a *lot* help.....)
you have an integer N...
how do you create a file of N*N+1 records, where each
record has 3 fields. (I know how to do this with a
"struct"...but structs only work in main memory and not
in least as far as I've been taught.)
Anyway here's the exact wording of the problem as it appears
in my handout sheet: (case you're curious, this is for a "magic
square" program)
Ask for an interger N (N must be odd, greater than 1) and
creates a file of N*N+1 records. Each record has 3 fields:
(row, column, value).
Record number 0 contains (0, 0, N).
The next N*N records are the elements from the "magic square"
of the order N in the following sequence: first all elements
from row number 1 (from left to right), after this all elements
from row number 2 (from left to right), then all the elements
from row number 3..., and finally all the elements from row
number N (from left to right) using a direct access to a file.
*please nobody give me any algorithms for creating the magic
square (ruin all my fun, will you!) :-), just the file creating,
and direct access stuff. thanks in advance :)
Ron :D