Topic: Plauger's The Draft Standard C++ Library
Author: (Chris Dearlove)
Date: 9 Feb 1995 17:10:19 GMT Raw View
I have bought P.J. Plauger's "The Draft Standard C++ Library" knowing
from occasional reading here that parts of the draft standard included
in it have been dropped. Could someone post an indication of precisely
which parts this applies to. It would also be interesting and possibly
useful to know which parts would be expected to be available with
earlier compilers (say compatible with Cfront versions 2.0 and 3.0).
(If anyone wants to know why I'm asking the latter question in
particular I don't yet have a C++ compiler for my machine - an Acorn
A5000 - and am still at the learning from a book stage and want to
concentrate on the parts of the language, including the library, that
I am most likely to find useful now and later. The first compiler I
get - Norcroft for any Acorn users - is likely to be only Cfront 2.0
Christopher M. Dearlove, | Tel: +44 1245 473331 ext. 3194
Senior Specialist, |
GEC-Marconi Research Centre | Fax: +44 1245 475244 or 478639
GEC-Marconi Ltd, Great Baddow, |
Chelmsford, CM2 8HN, Essex, UK | Email: