Topic: Sun C++ 3.0.1 Debugger

Author: (Nils Knafla)
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 1995 11:12:15 GMT
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I am using the Sunc C++ 3.0.1 Compiler on Solaris 2.3. My program prime is running but when
I try to start the debugger I get the following error messages. ElementTable is a template
in a library. I am using many libraries.

Reading symbolic information for prime
warning: Can't find function symbol for 'add_element__30ElementTable__pt__10_8VFTEntryFP8VFTEntryi'
 : /a/beamer/disk/home/u0/nk/new/texas-0.3/src/examples/
 stab #1176 add_element__30ElementTable__pt__10_8VFTEntryFP8VFTEntryi:F(0,13);(20,5);(20,2);(0,3)
warning: unexpected start of scope stab (N_LBRAC) when not in a function:
    /a/beamer/disk/home/u0/nk/new/texas-0.3/src/examples/ stab #1181
warning: can't find lname for file local '__1index' :
stab #1183 __1index:(0,13)
Excluded file not found: /a/beamer/disk/home/u0/nk/new/texas-0.3/src/examples/prime: stab #2266 /opt/SUNWspro.old/bin/../SC2.0.1/include/CC/iostream.h
warning: object initialization interrupted - symbol table discarded
internal error: you may have used an incompatible compiler -- please recompile and try again

What could be the problem for the debugger (reading the libs, the template directories) ?

Thank you very much in advance.
