Topic: const linkage
Author: (Fergus Henderson)
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 02:17:11 GMT Raw View (Karalee LeBlanc) writes:
>A friend and I are discussing const linkage, and we can't figure out the
>answer from the September 20 1994 draft of the Working Paper (it's probably
>there, we just can't find it).
See WD 3.4/3 and 7.1.1/6.
>My friend says that
> const int myzero = 0;
>should have static linkage, and that the value of the symbolic constant
>will replace the occurrance of it's name during compilation. So this
>line could be put in a header and compiled in many different libraries
>without any duplicate definitions occurring of myzero (which is what
>happens on his compiler).
Your friend is correct.
>I say it does not have static linkage
That's not correct.
>that you have, in essence, just
>declared 'myzero' readonly. When I put a line like this in my headers,
>I get duplicate definitions of myzero in the different libraries.
Either you are using a C compiler rather than a C++ compiler,
or your C++ compiler is broken.
>I believe that if you wanted static linkage, you should have declared it:
> int const myzero = 0;
No, the order of `int' and `const' doesn't make any difference.
Fergus Henderson -
all [L] (programming_language(L), L \= "Mercury") => better("Mercury", L) ;-)
Author: (John Max Skaller)
Date: Sun, 15 Jan 1995 21:36:30 GMT Raw View
>> My friend says that
>> const int myzero = 0;
>suspect that you are confusing C++ with C here. In C++ myzero has the
>semantics of a constant (e.g., one may use it for array dimension
>declarations) and has static linkage. In C myzero has the semantics of
>a variable except that one may not change it and has static linkage only if
>it is declared static.
In C++, "myzero" is _both_ a constant and a variable. It is,
after all, addressable:
int const *P0 = &myzero; // valid
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