Topic: Hyperdocumenting C++ reactions ..
Author: (Rowdy Blokland)
Date: Sat, 3 Dec 1994 22:47:06 GMT Raw View
Please allow me to thank all contributors to my earlier posted 'Hyperdocu-
menting C++' question in this unsympathetic way:
Reactions differed from 'not too useful' to 'very to the point',
but they all had one thing in common: They were with LOTS!
In the process of testing/tracking/trying the many suggested hints and
tips, some of you may hear from me unexpectedly in the future.
(I don't expect a roar of happiness now - just be prepared :)
I compiled all reactions, so don't hesitate to bother me for a copy ..
Thanks again folks,
Rowdy Blokland
Delft University of Technology.