Topic: Memory problem

Author: (Sandeep Kumar Jain)
Date: 10 Nov 94 10:08:13 -0600
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 I am facing memory problem for a TC program. In fact in one of our
courses we started with a small complex matrix of 60x60, slowly program is
becoming bigger, as instructor is daily asking to add a small routine to the
same program. Now I have reduced to 35x35 size. Still some times program hangs!
I know very little about dynamic memory allocation in 2d., one of our classmate
tried it but later his system used to crash very often.He was using fall

I wander how they write so huge professional softwares. Is there some way
of pushing the memory in extended/expanded RAM. Please give me some tips in
this regard.

Is it a good practice to divide program in diff exe files?

Memory management techniques are to be learnt. Please guide.

Thanks & best of luck,

 = = Sandeep K Jain        Ph:(615) 528 5805
 0 0 P O Box 05915
  ) Tennessee Technological University,
 \_/ Cookeville TN-38505                     **keep smiling**