Topic: RTTI in g++
Author: (Mike Stump)
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 1994 03:02:01 GMT Raw View
Below is a real simple program that will run with g++, that shows
basically what RTTI is all about.
When run, you'll notice that it knows ptr points to a B object...
Now, you may thing this is done with smoke and mirrors, as ptr is
after all assigned just above... Nope, it really does work, the right
way. :-)
Soon Exception Handling will make full use of the RTTI support, and
you'll be able to catch thrown objects, based upon their dymanic type.
Does your C++ compiler have RTTI? Extended RTTI? Maybe it's time to
Note, to get this cutting edge feature now, you will have to get, as no other g++ compiler yet has RTTI
in it. :-) You can find typeinfo.{cc,h} in typeinfo.shar in the same
Just thought I should whet your appetite.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <typeinfo.h>
class A {
virtual foo() { }
} a, *ptr;
class B : public A {
} b;
main() {
ptr = &b;
printf("The name is %s\n", typeid(*ptr).name());