Topic: Apologize...
Author: (Steve Frampton)
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 19:16:04 Raw View
In article <370fsc$> (Theerawat HUNGSAPRUEK) writes:
>We must apologize that my user (Somchai
>LIMSIRORATANA) sent a chain letter titled: MAKE.MONEY.FAST to your
I could stand the MAKE.MONEY.FAST postings, really. I've seen them so many
times they've been imprinted on my psyche and I would probably miss them if I
didn't see them from time to time.
But what gets my goat are the g.d. "I apologize" postings that invariably
follow soon after.
For future cluebies: If you f*ck up, don't waste further bandwidth by
apologizing for it.
Obc.o.m.p.: All future versions of news software should prevent (l)users from
posting any articles that contain "MAKE", "MONEY", and "FAST" in the subject
line. :-)
Author: (Timo Salmi)
Date: 7 Oct 1994 15:01:04 GMT Raw View
In article <> (Steve Frampton) writes:
:For future cluebies: If you f*ck up, don't waste further bandwidth by
:apologizing for it.
Disagreed. The postmaster's apology about his/her users posting let us know that the matter has been taken
care of where and how it should. What the postmaster did here was
appropriate and also rational to stem complaints.
Followups redirected to news.admin.misc where discussing this
All the best, Timo
Prof. Timo Salmi Co-moderator of comp.archives.msdos.announce
Moderating at anonymous FTP archives
Faculty of Accounting & Industrial Management; University of Vaasa
Internet: BBS +(358)-61-3170972; FIN-65101, Finland
Author: (Theerawat HUNGSAPRUEK)
Date: 6 Oct 1994 09:26:36 GMT Raw View
We must apologize that my user (Somchai
LIMSIRORATANA) sent a chain letter titled: MAKE.MONEY.FAST to your
We try to cancel all articles and terminated his account and
educate him about the consequence
effect which our site will get from his seriously bad behavior.
And We have to do more activities about netnews ettiquite for our
users in order to aviod this unfortunate incident.
Sorry again,
-THeerawat Hungsapruek
The Computer Center,
Prince of Songkla University.
(Voice): +66-74-211-030 ext. 2915
(Fax): +66-74-212-842