Topic: New Plauger Book

Author: (Jim Adcock)
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 18:10:10 GMT
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In article <35nlui$> (Rey Crisostomo) writes:
|In article <> writes:
|>P.J. Plauger's new book is available.
|> The Draft Standard C++ Library
|> ISBN 0-13-117003-1
|> Prentice Hall
|> 1995
|I heard from a very reliable source that this book is "almost completely wrong."

Naw, the book got it right, it's the changes the committee has made since
then that are wrong 1/2 ;-)

|Does this book describe specs for the string classes? STL? Any comments?

Describes a string class, mentions STL.  The book describes one version
of the "standard" library, then mentions in passing how the names of
the classes have already been changed, then mentions further that adoption
of STL may wipe out all the classes described.

I'd hope that the committee keeps the libraries described, even if it does
adopt STL.  This would indeed result in some theoretical duplication of
capabilities, but would allow programmers to choose a less radical and
more efficient solution for the most common programming tasks.

I have very mixed feelings about the book.  For one thing it describes
classes that may be dead and never "standard" at all.  For another, it
is written in a manner that does not allow easy browsing.  So you have to
slog through it at least on a chapter by chapter basis, reading things that
may well be wrong.

Seems to me a better option might be to wait for the commitee draft
registration to happen, and then get a copy of that.  If I understand
right the CD is suppose to be "feature complete" so one would hope that
major changes in the libraries would not happen after that.

Author: (James Kanze US/ESC 60/3/164 #71425)
Date: 22 Sep 1994 18:59:16 GMT
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In article <35q5ik$>
(Rey Crisostomo) writes:

|> >...(Plauger is responsible for most of the actual editing of
|> >the iostream's chapter in the standard.)

|> I thought that was done by Jerry Schwarz??

The initial version of the library itself (or at least one of the very
early versions) and much of the original text for the chapter were
done by Jerry.  But Plauger reworked it completely to put it into
standardese, and so is the author of most of the actual words in the
current version.  (Both have done an amazing amount of work in
bringing the current standard about.)
James Kanze      Tel.: (+33) 88 14 49 00     email:
GABI Software, Sarl., 8 rue des Francs-Bourgeois, F-67000 Strasbourg, France
Conseils en informatique industrielle --
                              -- Beratung in industrieller Datenverarbeitung

Date: Tue, 20 Sep 1994 13:46:35 GMT
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P.J. Plauger's new book is available.

 The Draft Standard C++ Library
 ISBN 0-13-117003-1
 Prentice Hall


Author: (Chris Flatters)
Date: 21 Sep 1994 01:44:57 GMT
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In article, (Rey Crisostomo) writes:
>In article <> writes:
>>P.J. Plauger's new book is available.
>> The Draft Standard C++ Library
>> ISBN 0-13-117003-1
>> Prentice Hall
>> 1995
>I heard from a very reliable source that this book is "almost completely wrong."
>Does this book describe specs for the string classes? STL? Any comments?

Saw it in a bookshop the other day.  It doesn't describe STL but mentions it
as a possible addition to the standard (presumably the decision to go ahead with
STL came after it went to press) but does describe the string and wstring

If it is (a) fairly current on what it does cover and (b) this material is
unlikely to change substantially before the standard goes into its public
review phase then it looks as if its worth the $40 odd.

Chris Flatters
Well, our problem stems from the fact that we, basically, allow every planet
and moon-base this side of Alpha Centauri to make their own version of Spam.
       "Mystery Meat"
       Man... or Astroman?

Author: (Rey Crisostomo)
Date: 20 Sep 1994 21:58:42 GMT
Raw View
In article <> writes:
>P.J. Plauger's new book is available.
> The Draft Standard C++ Library
> ISBN 0-13-117003-1
> Prentice Hall
> 1995

I heard from a very reliable source that this book is "almost completely wrong."
Does this book describe specs for the string classes? STL? Any comments?

Rey Crisostomo
Wellington, New Zealand