Topic: CFP: Symposium on Software Reudability (SSR '95)
Author: (Scott Henninger)
Date: 22 Sep 1994 16:18:02 GMT Raw View
Symposium on Software Reusability (SSR'95)
Sponsored by ACM SIGSOFT
Seattle, Washington, USA
April 28-30, 1995
Steering Committee:
G. Arango Schlumberger Lab for Computer Sciences
M. Griss HP Lab
M. Harandi University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
M. Samadzadeh Oklahoma State University
W. Tracz (Chair) Loral Federal Systems
M. Zand University of Nebraska-Omaha
Executive Committee:
GENERAL Chair M. Zand, University of Nebraska-Omaha, USA
PROGRAM Chair M. Samadzadeh, Oklahoma State University, USA
Europe Chair J. M. Morel, Bull Software Development, France
Asia Chair S. Isoda, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan
Publicity Chair S. Henninger, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Tutorial Chair C. Chang, GAK, The Netherlands
SSR'95 is the 1995 biyearly Symposium on Software Reusability that is
conducted in affiliation with the International Conference on Software
Engineering (ICSE-17).
The objective of this symposium is to provide a forum for academics and
practitioners in the areas related to software reusability to exchange
research results, development activities, and application experience
Unpublished and original state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice papers
relevant to the symposium themes, as well as panel and tutorial proposals,
are solicited.
- Application Generators,
- Automatic Programming,
- Case Studies and Experience Reports,
- Component Repositories,
- Domain Analysis and Engineering,
- Domain Specific Kits,
- Industrial Experience and Assessment,
- Interface Issues in Software Parts Technology,
- Management of Uncertainty in Software Reuse,
- Module Interface/Interconnection Languages,
- Program Transformation,
- Parameterized Programming,
- Quantification of Reuse Potential and Measurement of Reuse,
- Re-engineering,
- Reverse Engineering,
- Reuse Environments,
- Software Classification and Identification.
Also, the reusability aspects of the following areas:
-- AI and Expert Systems;
-- CASE Tools;
-- Economic Issues and Software Trade;
-- Management and Policy Issues;
-- Mega Programming;
-- Network Information Services;
-- Object-Oriented Analysis, Design, and Programming;
-- Software Case Based Reasoning;
-- Version/Configuration Management.
Several categories of papers will be considered for presentation and
publication including: (1) Original and unpublished research articles,
(2) Reports of applications in business, government, industry, arts,
sciences, and engineering, (3) Reports of successful reuse technology
transfer to new problem domains, and (4) Position papers of
on-going research efforts with preliminary results, substantial reuse
experiences underway, or significant reuse experiments in progress.
All papers should clearly indicate what is new and significant about the
presented work in comparison to the existing related body of work. The
submitted papers must primarily consist of material not previously
presented in or currently awaiting acceptance to another formal forum.
Accepted papers will be published in the ACM/SSR'95 Proceedings to be
printed by the ACM Press. Authors who feel their manuscripts can benefit
a more general audience are encouraged to submit their papers to ICSE.
ICSE-17 and SSR will cooperate in scheduling overlapping papers and
sessions in a way convenient for those participants intending to attend
both meetings.
- Submit 6 copies of the manuscript to the Symposium Program Chair.
- The body of the paper should not exceed 6,000 words (approximately
20 double-spaced pages). Position papers should not exceed 3,000
words (approximately 10 double-spaced pages).
- A separate cover sheet should be enclosed containing the title of the
paper, the author(s) and affiliation(s), and the address (including the
e-mail address and fax number, if available) to which correspondence
should be sent.
- Panel and tutorial proposals must include a three-page abstract of the
topics, including an outline, and a copy of the resume/vita of the
| |
|January 16, 1995 AUTHOR NOTIFICATION |
|February 27, 1995 FINAL VERSION OF PAPER |
For more information, please contact one of the following:
General Chair
Mansour Zand
Computer Science Department
245 Durham Science Center
University of Nebraska-Omaha
Omaha, NE 68182-0500
Tel: 402-554-2847
Fax: 402-554-2975
Program Chair
Mansur Samadzadeh
Computer Science Department
Oklahoma State University
219 MS Building
Stillwater, OK 74078
Tel: 405-744-5674 or 405-744-5668
Fax: 405-744-9097
Asia Chair
Sadahiro Isoda
Toyohashi University of Technology
Tenpaku-cho, Toyohashi-shi, 441 Japan
Tel: +81-532-47-0111
Fax: +81-532-47-5301
Europe Chair
Jean-Marc Morel
Software Development Methodology
PC: B2-122, Bull S.A.
Rue Jean-Jaures, BP 68
F-78340, Les Clayes-Sous-Bois, France
Tel: +33-1-3080-7448
Fax: +33-1-3080-7078
Program Committee
Tsuneo Ajisaka, Kyoto University, Japan
Massimo Ancona, Genova University, Italy
Mikio Aoyama, Fujitso, Japan
James Bieman, Colorado State University, USA
Rainer Brueck, Dortmund University, Germany
Reidar Conradi, University of Trondheim, Norway
Massimo D'Alessandro, Intecs Sistemi s.p.a., Italy
Valeria De Antonellis, Milan University, Italy
Danielle Fafchamps, HP Lab, USA
John Favaro, Intecs Sistemi s.p.a., Italy
Stefano Genolini, TXT, Italy
M.R. Girardi, Geneve University, Switzerland
Hassan Gomaa, George Mason University, USA
Gerhard Goos, Karlsruhe University, Germany
Jahangir Karimi, University of Colorado, USA
Even-Andre Karlson, Q-Labs Research Park, Sweden
Yoshizumi Kobayashi, ATR Research Labs, Japan
Johan Larsson, E-P Frameworks, Sweden
Sadie Legard, UMIST, UK
Mitchell Lubars, EDS, USA
Ali Mili, Ottawa University, Canada
Roland Mittermeir, Vienna University, Austria
Jeff Poulin, Loral Federal Systems, USA
Danielle Ribot, Cap Gemini Innovation, France
Gabriel Sanches, SEMA GROUP, Spain
Mark Simos, Organon Motives, USA
G. Sindre, University of Trondheim, Norway
Jorma Taramaa, VTT Electronics, Finland
Hans-Guenter Tempel, SIEMENS AG, Germany