Topic: EXIT_FAILURE and EXIT_SUCCESS are they standare c++ ?

Author: (Bruce Weiner)
Date: 30 Aug 1994 15:06:06 GMT
Raw View
    I would like to know if EXIT_FAILURE and EXIT_SUCCESS is part
    of the standard C++ library ?

    I have noticed that some stdlib.h files contain them and some do

    Is it standard ??


Author: (Dag Bruck)
Date: 30 Aug 1994 15:52:53 GMT
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>>>>> "B" == Bruce Weiner <> writes:

B> I would like to know if EXIT_FAILURE and EXIT_SUCCESS is part
B> of the standard C++ library ?

They are part of the Standard C library, so they will be part of the
Standard C++ library.

I don't know where they are supposed to be defined, but stddef.h seems
to be a likely header.
     -- Dag