Topic: Persistency in C++

Author: (Bernard Moulin)
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 1994 23:02:29 GMT
Raw View
   Object Persistency with Borland C++

   We plan to develop an application that conforms to the following diagram:

          | Application Layer  |    Borland C++ 4.0 + OWL2
          | Database Layer     |    We don't know

   We are looking for a database system that satisfies the
   following properties:

   i)  We can interface our application with
       the database system through C or C++ routine calls;

   ii) Limited Royalties.

   We want to use the complete DB fonctionalities to populate the database.
   For this part of the problem, the question of royalties is irrelevant
   (internal use only). Once done, we want to sell the DB for consultation
   only, and for this part of the problem we are looking for a solution
   that is royalty free.

   Any suggestions (DBMS, libraries, ...) will be welcome. Thanks in advance.

                                                    Louis Lecomte
                                                    C++ Developper