Author: (Andreas Manessinger)
Date: 18 Aug 1994 09:19:50 GMT Raw View
In article <32tl8c$> (Reidar Husmo) writes:
From: (Reidar Husmo)
Newsgroups: comp.std.c++
Date: 17 Aug 1994 18:34:52 GMT
Organization: Ostfold Regional College
I need to find a reasonable C++ book for my students, whose background
is, at worst, a course in Visual Basic.
In other words, they won't know how to program, and books that assume a
knowledge of C are no good.
Stroustrup and ARM are out of the question for these students.
Lippman's C++ Primer looks reasonable, although my colleague who had the
course last year claims that it's a bit too advanced.
Any suggestions?
Robert B. Murray: "C++ Strategies and Tactics", Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-56382-7
A book that doesn't claim to be for beginners and probably
isn't really. I'd recommend it anyway because it presents
C++ ``the other way round'', beginning with a general
discussion of abstractions followed by chapters covering
classes, handles, inheritance, multiple inheritance,
designing for inheritance, templates, advanced templates,
reusability, exceptions and one that discusses strategies
for the transition of projects from C to C++. It doesn't
cover all ``C-ish'' parts of the language, but it's the
only book I know that directly leads you to real OOP as
opposed to ``using C++ as a better C''. Introductive parts
about the language are intertwined with the text.
Scott Meyers: "Effective C++ / 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your
Programs and Designs", Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-56364-9
Another book that is said to be for experts only. Wrong!
Almost everything in it is fundamental to the correct use
of C++ as an OOPL. In fact, it should be read *before* bad
habits are developped. Meyers not only tells you what to do
and not to do, but also why.
James O. Coplien: "Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms",
Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-54855-0
This is the hard part and not at all introductive, but
Coplien gives you lots of real-world solutions for
real-world problems. Not easy to read and absolutely
opaque to beginners. Nevertheless, you'll encounter
many of the problems described therein in most
non-trivial projects, so better have it read before you
get too involved.
"Time is a jet plane, it moves too fast"
Bob Dylan, -You're a big girl now-
Author: (H{k{ H{kkinen)
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 1994 12:40:07 GMT Raw View
Reidar Husmo ( wrote:
: I need to find a reasonable C++ book for my students, whose background
: is, at worst, a course in Visual Basic.
: In other words, they won't know how to program, and books that assume a
: knowledge of C are no good.
Might be good to check the Waite Group books. They probably have
a couple of them and USUALLY what ever they write, it is good for my
kind of stupid beginners. When I was learning C , their book was the one
which really made me learn - and I still haven't found any other C-books
like it. The difference is like between black and waite !
Check that. But in these countries they tend to be very expensive...
Author: (Susan Bellomo)
Date: 22 Aug 1994 18:46:11 GMT Raw View
In <32tl8c$> (Reidar Husmo) writes:
>I need to find a reasonable C++ book for my students, whose background
>is, at worst, a course in Visual Basic.
>In other words, they won't know how to program, and books that assume a
>knowledge of C are no good.
>Stroustrup and ARM are out of the question for these students.
>Lippman's C++ Primer looks reasonable, although my colleague who had the
>course last year claims that it's a bit too advanced.
>Any suggestions?
>Being in Norway I don't get run down by people from AddisonWesley and
>the like who want to give me their books :-(, so any help is greatly
>Reidar Husmo
Try "C++ How to Program" by Deitel & Deitel (Published by Addison-Wesley). It is
written as a text for students taking C++ as their first language. It is a great
book in my opinion, as I have learned a great deal (quickly) and I am a former
Pascal programmer with not a lot of experience.
Ron Bellomo
Author: (D. Dale Gulledge)
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 1994 21:41:26 GMT Raw View
In article <> (Andreas Manessinger) writes:
In article <32tl8c$> (Reidar Husmo) writes:
From: (Reidar Husmo)
Newsgroups: comp.std.c++
Date: 17 Aug 1994 18:34:52 GMT
Organization: Ostfold Regional College
I need to find a reasonable C++ book for my students, whose background
is, at worst, a course in Visual Basic.
In other words, they won't know how to program, and books that assume a
knowledge of C are no good.
Stroustrup and ARM are out of the question for these students.
Lippman's C++ Primer looks reasonable, although my colleague who had the
course last year claims that it's a bit too advanced.
Any suggestions?
James O. Coplien: "Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms",
Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-54855-0
This is the hard part and not at all introductive, but
Coplien gives you lots of real-world solutions for
real-world problems. Not easy to read and absolutely
opaque to beginners. Nevertheless, you'll encounter
many of the problems described therein in most
non-trivial projects, so better have it read before you
get too involved.
Coplien's book is excellent, including some insights that *should* be taught
in even an introductory class in C++. However, I would not attempt to give
this to students who don't know C++ or in some cases even programming. The
issues that it addresses are the sorts of questions that come up in building
large systems. Students new to programming will not understand the problems
that he is addressing. As the instructor, I would recommend that you read it.
- Dale
My employer's opinions are published | Carpe rustum!
elsewhere. These opinions are strictly | Seize up!
my own. |
--, D. Dale Gulledge, Software Engineer, Northern Telecom,
Network Applications Systems, 97 Humboldt St., Rochester, NY 14609
Author: (Reidar Husmo)
Date: 17 Aug 1994 18:34:52 GMT Raw View
I need to find a reasonable C++ book for my students, whose background
is, at worst, a course in Visual Basic.
In other words, they won't know how to program, and books that assume a
knowledge of C are no good.
Stroustrup and ARM are out of the question for these students.
Lippman's C++ Primer looks reasonable, although my colleague who had the
course last year claims that it's a bit too advanced.
Any suggestions?
Being in Norway I don't get run down by people from AddisonWesley and
the like who want to give me their books :-(, so any help is greatly
Reidar Husmo