Topic: separate casts for int vs unsigned int?
Author: (Stephen Vavasis)
Date: Fri, 5 Aug 1994 16:51:07 GMT Raw View
There was a discussion recently about casts between int and unsigned
int; I don't remember what the outcome was, but now I realize that I
have this exact problem. Specifically, the code below will compile
under g++ (gcc 2.5.8) but fails to compile under Sun C++ 3.0.1. On
the other hand, if I comment out the line marked "questionable" then
it compiles for SunC C++ but it breaks g++! In both cases the error
is about "ambiguous type conversion".
So it seems that I can't write this program to work for both compilers
-- is this true? Which version of the program is legal according to
the "standard" or the "ARM"? Also, assuming that I really do need two
different versions of my program for the two compilers, can someone
tell me what "#ifdef" statement I can use to test if the compiler is
Steve Vavasis
#include <iostream.h>
typedef unsigned long int INT;
class Base3 {
INT word;
Base3() { word = 0;}
Base3(unsigned long int t) { word = t;}
inline void operator++ () { word++;}
inline operator INT() const {return word;}
inline operator int() const {return (int) word;} // Questionable line here
class vec5 {
int entries[5];
inline int operator[](int i) const {return entries[i];}
inline int& operator[](int i) {return entries[i];}
main() {
vec5 x;
Base3 i;
for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
x[i] = i * 7;
for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
cout << x[i] << " " ;
cout << "\n";
return 0;