Topic: namespace

Author: schuenem@Informatik.TU-Muenchen.DE (Ulf Schuenemann)
Date: 11 Jul 1994 19:48:31 GMT
Raw View
LS> Is it legal to declare
LS> class X
LS> {
LS>     void foo();
LS> };
LS> and define X::foo
LS> namespace X
LS> {
LS>     void foo()
LS>     {
LS>  //..
LS>     }
LS> };

I think the intention of the original quesion was:
 Is it allowed to declare a class X (with classbody)
 and then to implement its methods in a namespace X
 (this avoiding X::)

This idea has already occured in this thread:
 Re: Language Question: Why privates in header
but I can't remember the answer.

In my OPINION it would be a goos idea to allow it.
Often the implementation of a class X is at one place.
Always having to qualify with X:: is annoying and
not easy to read:

 X::EnumType X::static_var = X::some_enumerator;

 X::EnumType X:: foo()
 { // in the fctbody there is no need for X:: !
  return static_var;
 void  X:: g() {}
 void  X:: h() {}
 void  X:: i() {}

Isn't whis clearer to place the implementation into
the namespace of the _class_ X ?:

 namespace X {  // or namespace class X
    // if this is syntactically clearer
 EnumType static_var = some_enumerator;

 EnumType foo ()
  return static_var;
 void  g() {}
 void  h() {}
 void  i() {}

 }; // X

Ulf Schuenemann

Ulf Sch   nemann
Institut f   r Informatik, Technische Universit   t M   nchen.

Author: (Student)
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 94 16:51:02 GMT
Raw View
Is it legal to declare

class X
    void foo();

and define X::foo

namespace X
    void foo()



Author: (David Miller)
Date: 7 Jul 94 19:39:03 GMT
Raw View
Student ( wrote:
: Is it legal to declare

: class X
: {
:     void foo();
: };

: and define X::foo

: namespace X
: {
:     void foo()
:     {
:  //..
:     }
: };

 I don't think so because your class X is in the "global"
namespace and your function foo is just a plain function in namespace
X. They are two different things. I think the affect you want is:

 namespace X
  class X
   void foo() { // whatever }

Then later in your program:

 using X;

 X a;
 X b;;;

I don't know if the syntax is right but you get the idea.

David S. Miller

: ???

: -------
: LD.

Author: (Rad)
Date: 8 Jul 94 00:05:52 -0600
Raw View
In article <>, (David Miller) writes:
> Student ( wrote:
> : Is it legal to declare
> : class X
> : {
> :     void foo();
> : };
> : and define X::foo
> : namespace X
> : {
> :     void foo()
> :     {
> :  //..
> :     }
> : };
>  I don't think so because your class X is in the "global"
> namespace and your function foo is just a plain function in namespace
> X. They are two different things. I think the affect you want is:
> ...

Also I think the standard states that "the identifier used as a global
namespace-name cannot be used as the name of any other global namespace,
template, type, function, object, or value in the given program."

This means if you have a namespace X you can't have a class X... unless I
misunderstand this or unless it's changed in a more recent draft.

 Richard Deken                   Graduate student in electrical engineering
          Tennessee Technological University
 Internet:        Cookeville, TN, USA