Topic: Optimizing empty loops (was: common...)
Author: (Fergus Henderson)
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 17:06:45 GMT Raw View (John Max Skaller) writes:
> (Fergus Henderson) writes:
>>*Any* code without side effects can be optimized
>>away or inserted at will.
> That statement is "apparently" correct.
>(Dont you DARE optimise away my timing loops! :-))
A good optimizing compiler should at least provide an option
to optimize loops with empty bodies, IMHO.
It's certainly allowed, and it can indeed be useful.
Consider the following example:
template <class T>
void Array::~Array() {
for (int i = 0; i < this->elem_count; i++) {
In the case of Array<int>, the body of the loop is a call to int::~int(),
which is a no-op. I would hope that a good optimizing compiler
would be capable of optimizing this loop away.
Fergus Henderson -