Topic: C++ Standards and Compilier Query

Author: daved@nnshh127.uucp (David Dahl)
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 22:19:12 GMT
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Hello C++'ers.

My group with Northern Telecom here in Nashville is planning
on developing our next major revision in C++ and are in need
of some insight into C++ standards and compiliers.

It is my understanding that ANSI and ISO have not quite finalized
a standard, so I'm curious as to what is the most widely accepted
"standard" at this time.  AT&T?

Also, what are some robust "true" C++ compiliers (C++ -> obj. code
_not_ C++ -> C -> obj. code) for Macintosh, MS Windows, DOS and

I am fairly fluent in C++, but have no idea what sort of standards
are widely accepted these days.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated.


  David Dahl                           :
  Northern Telecom Inc.                :      phone:     615-734-4166
  Dept. 9400                           :      fax:       615-734-4771
  200 Athens Way                       :      ESN:       222-4166
  Nashville, TN  37228-1803            :      internet: