Topic: Help with linking 3rd party libs in BC++ 4.0
Author: (Rob Maughan)
Date: 01 Jul 1994 15:01:28 GMT Raw View
Does anybody know why I keep getting linker errors when I try and link in 3rd party
libraries in Borland C++ 4.0? (I'm using the IDE to compile and link) It complains about
external function definitions. I read somewhere about having to put EXTERN around my
function declarations. If so, how do I do that to make it link correctly.
I just recently bought BC++ 4.0 and in the past have been using Borland C++ 2.0 and
everything linked just fine.
FYI, I'm trying to use some MIX C Database library calls from the ISAM.LIB and from some
CSCAPE library routines.
Thanks in advance.
(Please email directly to
Rob Maughan