Topic: ADA to C/C++ Converter

Author: (Kristian Kvilekval)
Date: 11 Jun 1994 03:58:28 GMT
Raw View (Mark Statham) writes:

>Does anyone out there know of any Ada to C/C++ translators? if any such ones exist, has anyone else out there ever been tempted down the path of moving from Ada to C/C++.  I would be interested to hear your comments on this emmotive subject.

Something of the sort was built by retargeting a SubAda->Pascal to SubAda->C.
I did this in order to bootstrap the DDC Ada-83 compiler (written in SubAda).

>Specific things that I would like your comments on are:

> How well does it handle variables in nested functions?
Variable from the global scope are passed in as pointer to a structure
that describe the stack frame.
procedure F is
  X : integer;
  Y : real;
  procedure in_f is
    y := x;

  void in_f (struct { int x; float y; } *__globs)
  __globs->y = __globs->x;
  F ()
    struct {
    int x;
    float y;
    }  __lvars;
    in_f (&__lvars);

> How well does it handle exceptions?
setjmp and longjmp were used.  The preprocess assigned a 16bit module
number and a 16 bit exception number which could be tested for.

> How well does it handle generics?

Didn;t have it. Sorry.
> What (if any) has to be done manually?

Some code had to be modified to use the subset of Ada that was defined.

>I dont' mind whether or not its commercial or PD just really want comments in the first instance.

I'm not sure if it's available still. I you want to take a look I'll
send you the name of the company that has the rights.

I Also have the beginnings of one that I wrote from scratch to handle
full Ada. Unfortunately I got distracted and never completed it.


Author: (Mark Statham)
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 1994 10:23:08 +0000
Raw View
Hi Netters,

Does anyone out there know of any Ada to C/C++ translators? if any such ones exist, has anyone else out there ever been tempted down the path of moving from Ada to C/C++.  I would be interested to hear your comments on this emmotive subject.

Specific things that I would like your comments on are:

 How well does it handle variables in nested functions?
 How well does it handle exceptions?
 How well does it handle generics?
 What (if any) has to be done manually?

I dont' mind whether or not its commercial or PD just really want comments in the first instance.

Looking forward to hearing from you all, either follow-up or mail



 Mark Jonathan Statham (WORK)
 Underpaid/Overworked Placement Student (UNI)
 National & Provincial Building Society       "Anybody got an asbestios shield"