Topic: Help JRM!!!

Author: (David Bertoni)
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 1994 20:53:17 GMT
Raw View
In article <> (Joshua Ross Moore) writes:

> Hi,
>  I have a quick question!  I just got Borland C++ 4.0 for windows. Every
> time I try to run the programs I've created it compiles ok, but when it
> links I get an error.  The error is :
>  Linker Warning: No module definition file specified: using defaults.
>  Linker Error: undefined symbol OwlMain(int,char far*far*) in library file
>  D:\bc4\LIB\owlwi.lib in module Winmain.
> D is my cd drive, and c++ is minimally installed so that it still needs
> to read some stuff from the cd rom disk, like the librarys.
> It only makes it to d:\bc4\lib\crtldd.lib in the linking before it stops
> and gives me the message screen.
> My main problem is that this package came with my computer and I received
> little to no documentation with it.  I can't afford the books as of yet,
> so please help me.  If you know someone that may be able to help please
> feel free to forward this letter to them.

The first warning is because there is no .def file.  The .def file
provides information about your program to the linker.  Any decent book
on Windows programming will explain the .def file options to you.  For
the time being, you should be OK with the defaults the linker sets.

The second error is probably related to the way you're linking.  I
believe the OWL library is only available as a DLL, and not through
static linking. You probably need to fiddle with the linker options.
Why don't you check the link options on one of the sample OWL
applications Borland provides to see which options you need?  You also
could try making a copy of one of those example project files and using
it to build your app.

At any rate, the documentation is all on the CD, so you should search
around for the basic information on building OWL apps.

Author: (Joshua Ross Moore)
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 1994 19:33:39 GMT
Raw View
 I have a quick question!  I just got Borland C++ 4.0 for windows. Every
time I try to run the programs I've created it compiles ok, but when it
links I get an error.  The error is :

 Linker Warning: No module definition file specified: using defaults.

 Linker Error: undefined symbol OwlMain(int,char far*far*) in library file
 D:\bc4\LIB\owlwi.lib in module Winmain.

D is my cd drive, and c++ is minimally installed so that it still needs
to read some stuff from the cd rom disk, like the librarys.

It only makes it to d:\bc4\lib\crtldd.lib in the linking before it stops
and gives me the message screen.

My main problem is that this package came with my computer and I received
little to no documentation with it.  I can't afford the books as of yet,
so please help me.  If you know someone that may be able to help please
feel free to forward this letter to them.

NAME: Joshua Moore (JRM)                PHONE: (614) 593-6388
ADDRESS: 1 S. Congress, APT F           MAJOR: Computer Science
         Athens, OH 45701-2823          E-MAIL: